Chapter Fifty-Five

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You smiled when you saw Gilbert Blythe coming your way, looking as handsome as ever, especially in more smart and elegant clothing.

Your Mother also smiled as she was familiar with the boy whom she saw at Christmas dinner. Gilbert returned the smile that he was given and you two stared at one another not fully knowing what was going on. Your mother finally cleared her throat.

Gilbert turned to face your Mother and took out his hand for the older lady to shake. “Good evening, Mrs. Gillis.” 

Your Mother shook the boy’s hand and nodded. Gilbert took a breath of relief when she let go of the handshake.

“I’ll leave you two to talk.” Your mother says to you both, but as she walks away she whispers, “I understand why you’re friends with him, he’s very handsome.”

“Leave him alone Mother.”

Gilbert stared at your Mother for a while after she left and then shook his head. 

“You look great tonight. I especially like your hair, I must say you look better with your hair down.”

Gilbert reached a hand out and twirled a strand of curly hair which made you feel slightly flustered.

Gilbert then let go of your hair and took a step back, after that he gazed into your blue eyes.

“Thank you. It’s very nice of you to say that. Back when I lived with my Grandmother, my classmates would complain that they wouldn’t be able to see because of me.”

Gilbert chuckled a bit, “Well trust me I’m in no way complaining.” You tried to fight the grin on your face.

The two of you didn’t know how to continue the conversation and you saw Gilbert scratching the back of his neck in awkwardness.

“Your grandmother sounds nice.” He says trying to keep the conversation going.

“Yeah, she was great…” You replied with a solemn expression on your face. 

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