Chapter Fifty-One

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When you get downstairs your Mother tells you to greet the people at the front door. You promised you would stay at the door no matter what.

Soon enough, your promise to your Mother of staying at the front door to welcome people in was long gone when Prissy arrived in the household.

A promise that you did keep was one you forgot about when Prissy was last over. She wanted to read one of your Shakespeare books. You took your blond-haired friend up to your room,

She took a glance at the large interior before opening her mouth.

“I still can’t get over how beautiful your room is!” Prissy started as she turned around in a full circle.

You beamed at your friend, “Thank you, but I didn’t bring you up here to gape at my room.” 

You walked towards the cabinet next to your vanity and opened the doors, you motioned for Prissy to come next to you.

“Do you remember what you said about wanting to read Shakespeare? I want you to pick any book you want.” You say and motion towards all the books on the shelves.

To say Prissy took a long time to choose a book was an understatement. She took out every book and inspected it thoroughly and even skimmed through a few pages of some books.

After a while Prissy stands up. “I think I’ll take this one…The Winter’s Tale.” Anne said as she clutched the book close to her chest. You stated that it was a good choice.

“I’ll give it back to you as soon as I’m finished,” Prissy promised.

“Take as long as you need. There’s no need to rush. Now should we go down to the party?” Prissy nodded her head.

You quickly gave out your arm for her to take. Prissy linked arms with you and the two made their way downstairs where a bunch of people were chatting lively

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