Chapter Fifty-Two

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“What should I have?” Prissy mumbles mostly to herself as we look at the many dishes.

You pointed at a particular tray, “How about those scones? My Mother and I made them this morning.”

Prissy grabbed one of the scones and looked at the desert curiously before taking a bite. The first bite was hesitant but Prissy then swallowed it almost whole and then went to grab some more.

“These are amazing. Aren’t you usually supposed to take them with tea?”
You shrugged, “You take them however you want.”

Prissy took a bite out of a second one. “You are a great baker.” She complimented.

“Well you can’t give me all the glory, my Mother helped for the most part. Plus I almost burned the house down once.”

Prissy laughed quietly to herself which made you look at her in confusion. After a few seconds of laughing quietly to herself, she finally stopped.

“I almost did that.” You looked at Prissy with interest. “Really? Do tell.”

“Well, that’s kind of an exaggeration. I didn’t almost burn the house down…but I burned dinner.”
You laughed slightly at the story, “You’re one of a kind Prissy.” You stated as she took a bite out of her scone.

When you saw Ruby beckoning her to join her, You pouted slightly and turned to look at Prissy.

“I am very sorry but I better go. My sister is calling me and I really should be helping my Mother around.”

Prissy smiled, a little sadness evident in it but she nodded her head understandably.

“I get it. There’s no reason for you to apologize. See you later.”

Prissy waved goodbye, an action which you returned. You walked up to Ruby who was now talking to Rachel Lynde.

The funny thing about that was how wide Ruby’’s eyes got when Rachel started to touch her hair. She hid her annoyance with a forced smile which only fell once she left.

You laughed once you stood in front of her sister. Ruby groaned and leaned against the doorframe.

“You laugh but that was the scariest thing that I could ever encounter.”

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