Chapter Sixty-Two

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A couple of weeks later you and Ruby walk together to sit your milk bottles into the cold stream, but before you can blink someone is calling your names.

“Y/n, Ruby. come see!” Josie yelled from the side of the school.

You and Ruby immediately stood up and ran over to the other girls, once you got there you stopped at the back of the group and tried to look at what everyone else was staring at.

“Someone has resurrected the Take Notice board with a post about me!” Josie grinned and pointed at the wall.

“This is so exciting!”

“Isn’t that scandalous though?”

You tried to read what it said but you were too far away to see what it said.

“The scandal will be when folks find out it was you,” Jane mumbled.

Josie glared at her friend, then spoke. “Jane, I’m sure it was you who put this up. Who else might’ve seen me strolling home with Billy.” 

“Everyone will know now!”

Josie sighed. “Then again, I suppose it’s a good thing since we should all stake out a claim on our paramours.”

“At this age, we should all be promised to someone.” 

You didn’t want to be stuck in a courtship, especially when you haven’t even graduated yet.

Ruby was;led up to the group and groaned. “I’m so confused! We’re of age now, but Gilbert hasn’t made any advances yet!”

“Think of all the fresh, eye-catching talent that will be at Queens next year–”

“But I’m only going to Queens to be near Gilbert!” Ruby explained, and you shook your head. You couldn’t imagine going to college just to be near a boy.

You stepped forward and grabbed her hand.

"Come one, sis. I’m sure Gilbert will take notice of you soon,” you said through your teeth.

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