Chapter Fifty-Three

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You leaned onto the wall right next to Ruby. You looked forward in the sea of heads to watch the people who were conversing with one another with such ease.

You liked the idea that you now lived in this town again where everyone knew one another.

Although rumors would get around through town in an instant, the people were closer to one another both mentally and sentimentally.

Back when you lived with her grandmother, things were different from Avonlea. And that is one of the reasons why you preferred Avonlea there.

“Hey N/n,” you looked up at Ruby and hummed in response.

“Why is Billy Andrews coming over here?” you followed Ruby’s gaze and instantly panicked.

“Ugh, will he ever leave me alone?” You complain.

“Well if he tries anything I’ll punch him,” Ruby says as a joke but you got the message. You and Ruby shared one last laugh before Billy made it over to you guys.
‘Good evening.” Ruby was the first one of the three to talk first. Billy nodded to Ruby and his eyes quickly trailed over to you.

“Good evening, forgotten,” Billy said with his usual smirk etched on his face. You rolled your eyes, “Bully”

Billy’s face fell instantly and then turned to one of slight annoyance when Ruby sniggered and tried to cover it with a cough.

“Listen I’m not here to fight,” Billy stated which made you laugh slightly.

“Don’t tell me that you accidentally drank some champagne. Since when do you not fight?”

Billy groaned. “After you left when you were passing invites, my mother lectured me and said she wouldn’t stop until I apologized. I’m willing to call a truce, I’ll even pay for that stupid book of yours.”

Ruby was confused about where the conversation went and decided to interfere.

“Excuse me, I don’t want to be rude or anything but what book is he referring to?”

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