Chapter Seventy-Three

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“Then her father laid it out on a silver platter.” Gilbert explained as he paced back and forth in front of you.

“Laid–what out on a platter?”
“The Sorbonne, Paris, the money to do it. My future if I want it!” He stopped walking, “Permission–to propose.”

You looked down. You were drunk but it didn’t help you feel better that Gilbert was most likely going to get married and have a wonderful life. Without you.

“I don’t know what to do.”
“You don’t want to be a country doctor, the Sorbonne is your dream. What’s holding you back?”
Gilbert sat down next to you, staring into your eyes. “ thing.”

You couldn’t think straight. Did he mean you? There’s no way–Gilbert didn’t like you, you're sure of it.

You kept quiet for a while.

You wanted Gilbert to have a good life, go to Sorbonne, and have a beautiful wife, but most importantly, you wanted him to be happy.

And he wasn’t going to get all that with you.

“Gilbert, I–”

“Y/n! Come on, we want to sing happy birthday to you!” The girls grabbed your arms and pulled you away before you could finish your sentence.

You were sitting in the kitchen talking to your Mother while she cooked.

“I think Gilbert might’ve been asking if I love him and I think I told him to marry someone else…”

Your Mother smiled at you, “Well, do you love him?”

“I don’t know–I’ve never loved anyone before. How does one know? Plus he has another option anyway.”

‘What is option one?”

“WInifred, a girl whose father offers him a chance at a life he can’t otherwise have.”
“Well, that is complicated..”

“I know, yesterday I was a child, and now I feel like I have to explain my entire life, and if I choose the wrong one I could ruin mine and his life.”

“Love is a tricky thing, sometimes it feels like it just shows up right before your eyes. Other times it doesn’t seem to be there.”

“But what if it’s too late?”

“It won’t be too late. If he truly loves you, he won’t ask Winifred to marry him.”

You nodded, folding your arms across your chest and staring out the window thinking of Gilbert.

You want him to be happy but you also want yourself to be happy. You loved him and if he loved you back, he wouldn’t care if he couldn’t go to Sorbonne or have his dream life–he would be content with you and just you.

“Oh, my god, I’m in love with Gilbert Blythe.”

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