Chapter Fourty-Nine

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One week of school since handing out the invitations was enough for you to hate it. Sure some of your classmates seemed nice but many others just make your blood boil.

It was the final few minutes before the school day and week ended and you felt bored as you listened to Mr. Phillips talk about history.

Whenever you looked at the clock, you sighed as you hoped that the time would pass but it did the exact opposite.

Soon enough the day was finally over and you find yourself and Ruby rushing to pack your stuff to leave and go home.

Today the Gillis’s were in a rush to get home to help your parents prepare for the party. When you arrived home the house was frantic as your Mother tried her best to prepare for the perfect get-together.

She was running from place to place, trying to put everything in place and ensuring the house looked its very best. You were in the kitchen cooking for that night.

You took care of the dessert while the other food was brought from one of the stores in Avonlea.

“How are you and that girl doing? Priscilla’s her name?” your Mother asks while she walks into the kitchen to help. 

You hummed yes, “Uhmm, Prissy. She goes by Prissy, don’t forget it.”

Your Mother chuckled, “I won’t. It’s nice to see you making friends. Anyone else you connected with?” 

You stopped to think while biting your lip. You shrugged and continued working.

“No, not really.

She huffed and looked at you incredulously, “There isn’t anyone else, out of the whole school, who you even like?”

You avoided eye contact with her, “Well, there is someone who’s nice and talks to me.”

Your Mother couldn’t stop the smile that was forming on her face. 

“Well isn’t that great. What’s her name?” 

You cleared your throat awkwardly.

“She isn’t a she, she’s a he…”

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