Chapter Eighteenth

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When Lunch came you sat with Anne, Cole, and Diana.

“Is Ruby glaring at us?” Anne asks confused. 

You turn your head in Ruby’s direction.

“I guess that’s my fault,” you say scratching your neck, a frown appearing on your face.

“What happened?” Cole asks with a small chuckle.

“Gilbert happened of course,” Diana says smirking. You look a little confused at the smile on her face.

“Oh come on Y/n! Ruby will get over it soon, don’t worry.” She says laying her hand on your shoulder.

With Gilbert

“How come you were staring at Y/n this morning Blythe?” Billy asked.

“None of your business,” Gilbert replies as he smiles to himself thinking about you.

“You got a little crush on her?” Billy laughed at him. “I wouldn’t blame you. I mean the way she showed up all dressed up the other day.”

“What do you mean all dressed up?” Gilbert asks with a frown.

“A blue dress, different hairstyle. Jane told me she even wore more makeup than usual.

Did she dress up for me?

He looked at the floor smiling, a small blush on his face.

“Well, I suppose I didn’t notice. She looks beautiful every day.”

Billy laughs and nudges Gilbert’s shoulder. “Alright bud.”

Back to you

After all the talking about you and Gilbert, the conversation started to become boring so you decided to grab your book copy of Little Women. 

You spent a good five minutes running through the very romantic and passionate words that were written down on the pages when you heard Mr. Phillips call everyone back to class.

You make your way back to your seat next to Prissy and put your book and basket away.

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