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Kid Ritz POV:

I kind of feel excited to talk to Justin. He's someone I really don't know, so it should be fun to get to know him.

We walk out to his car and get in.

Justin: "You like jazz?"

Kid Ritz: "... Jazz?"

Justin: "Yeah, man. I love Jazz."


I watch as he puts a CD into the car player. Soft jazz plays, and Justin rocks out to it like it's the hardest song he's ever heard.

Justin: "MAN, I LOVE JAZZ!"

I can't help but laugh as he pulls out of the parking lot.

Justin: "Ok, dude. How are we going to make this work."

Kid Ritz: "They don't know I'm dating Ven, and are probably scrambling to make this happen, so I should be able to waltz right in  and ask to host."

Justin: "Ok, cool. I think if I'm persuading enough, I can get my guys to listen."

Kid Ritz: "Try it on me."

Justin nods as we get to a red light.

Justin: "Dude."

Kid Ritz: "Hmm?"

Justin: "There's, like, a problem with the show."

Kid Ritz: "Ok..."

Justin: "Yeah, so there are four guys we have to let in. But, like, one of them isn't a guy. It's a girl. Well, I should say woman, but you get me, right?"

Kid Ritz: "Uh..."

Justin: "Anyway, we've got to let them in. A tall guy with red hair, can't miss him—a small dude, oh Rollie Roy, and another guy, Veneer. Oh, and the girl is Velvet. So yeah, we have to let them in even though we're not supposed to."

Kid Ritz: "Hmm... that's a start. Maybe we can make it a little more... concise."

Justin: "Cool, dude."

Justin's... definitely quite a quite a guy. He's fun, like Fred. I like how I keep attracting zany new friends. This one happens to enjoy jazz, which is pretty up there.

I create a semi-script for Justin to use, and I feel confident once we're done. We get to MRS., and my heart beats nervously.

Justin leads me in, his personality shifting as he gets serious. We walk, the hallway quiet.

Justin knocks on the Head Director's office door for me and waits outside. He makes me feel a bit better knowing he's waiting outside for me.

I walk in and see the Head Director at his desk.

Head Director: "Oh, Kid Ritz! What brings you here?"

Kid Ritz: "Hello, sir. I came to request I host for the show tomorrow. I figured it'd be a good idea if I did."

Head Director: "That's a great idea! I hadn't even thought of having a host. The Mayor called me and said Velvet, Veneer, Dom, a Sage Boy no less, and Rollie Roy have turned against him? I have no idea what he means, but that's bad business for me. They are my biggest stars. So it's good you're not wrapped up in whatever they are doing—young talent gone to waste, such a shame. I love them for how much money they've made me, but I guess if the Mayor's upset with them, I'll need to find new talents. I won't bother with that now, but you should definitely help. I will put you in charge of the set since you already know what you're doing."

I nod and discuss what I must do with the Head Director. I feel sneaky knowing that I'm doing exactly what he said he's glad I'm not doing, but it's for a good cause, so I'm not that upset.

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