Let It Happen

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Veneer POV:

I watch as Kid Ritz makes a speech, then runs off to the opposite end of the stage. Shit, I had been hoping he'd run over to us. I hold Jewels close, unsure if I should be scared or excited as I watch as RIVAL starts to play, my eyes trained on Roman.

Roman: "Now, we chose this song to embrace the end of fighting. We need to stop fighting whatever pain is in our lives, and instead of running from it, we embrace it to grow. We all have walls, some stronger than others. We need to surrender our walls, look within each other and accept our flaws, accept when the other is wrong, struggling, or hating. We can learn to accept when those walls are up and, and how to help when they fall. We all have heard that "noise" that creates messy, chaotic destruction. Let's accept that war of noise within and learn to let ourselves forgive, accept; Let It Happen."

Roman: "It's always around me, all this noise, but

Not nearly as loud as the voice saying

"Let it happen, let it happen."

Cade and Dixie: "It's gonna feel so good."

RIVAL: "Just let it happen, let it happen..."

Roman's smooth voice fills the stage, the sensational sound flowing into the audience. As he sings, I notice the draw of energy I feel, the calming lulls of his voice pulling me in to listen. The room swirls and smooths as he sings, everyone's focus on RIVAL and their sonic sound.

Roman: "All this running around

Tryin' to cover my shadow

A notion growing inside

Now, all the others seem shallow

All this running around

Bearing down on my shoulders

I can hear an alarm

It must be morning..."

Roman looks around as he sings, his eyes glowing as they scan the audience and fans at the higher levels. My heart beat fast, my mind swirling as I listen to him. I felt that same rush at the "Rocking Rager," that itching, burning desire to perform with him; to listen and do whatever he says.

I look at Dom, seeing him breathe hard; he's feeling the same violent attraction as I am. It's like a gnawing hunger within me, craving the music and lyrics Roman feeds into the audience. Red lights pulse in time with the music, my body feeling the pulses physically from Cade's drumming beating up through my feet and Dixie's bass strumming notes that I can feel through my hands and fingers.

Roman: "I heard about a whirlwind that's coming 'round

It's gonna carry off all that isn't bound and

When it happens, when it happens

Cade and Dixie: "I won't be holding on"

RIVAL: "So let it happen, let it happen."

I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see it's Justin. I hug him, so relieved he was able to locate us. We must have thrown him off with us having to abandon the waiting room. As he and Fred embrace, my mind from the music grows heavier. This music feels like a drug... it's so heavy, so thick, and resonant within myself.

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