Monkey Pox

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Veneer POV:

Choreographer: "One more time."

Ven: "I-I... I can't."

I sit down on the floor of the stage, my chest heaving as I try to catch my breath.

Choreographer: "What? You can't sit down! This is our last rehearsal before the show next Friday!"

Ven: "I get it. Just... give me a second... to breathe."

Choreographer: "Fine. Take five!"

The choreographer walks off angrily as I lay back on the stage, my feet dangling off the edge. Shit, I don't feel good. I'm completely worn out. Thank goodness I've got a few days of rest before the show. Well, do I even have time to rest?

I have to go back on BOT to promote the tour tomorrow... ugh. Not to mention last fittings, hair and makeup appointments... damn. I sit up as Crimp hands me water.

Crimp: "You're doing awesome, Ven! Great work!"

Ven: "Thanks, Crimp."

Crimp: "You don't look so good."

Ven: "What?"

She cowers a little as I question her.

Crimp: "I-I mean, you just look exhausted, is all. I mean, you've got those eye bags, and you keep sighing and looking super sleepy."

She stops as I glare at her.

Ven: "I'm sorry, Crimp. I'm sorry I look so hideous to you; I'm actually trying to do the impossible!"

Crimp: "Right! Sorry! I shouldn't have said those mean things about you looking destroyed."

I roll my eyes as the choreographer walks back over.

Choreographer: "Alright, Ven. One last tie, whole show through. We're going full out; lights, choreo, voice, everything."

I nod and take one last sip of water before handing it to Crimp. She scurries away as I stand up, my body aching. Okay, V. You can do this! I need to do a full two-hour show, with no breaks and no stops, just like the real deal.

I perform the whole set, and my body is absolutely aching by the time I'm done. The choreographer congratulates me, yet I can't pay him much mind as I feel like I'm about to die. Huh, I feel like that a lot... that can't be good for me long term.

Regardless, I'm done! I pack up my duffel, then hurry out of the Starz Management space. I get to the car and see my phone ring.

Ven: "Hello?"

Kid Ritz: "Hi, sweetie. I just finished work; I was wondering if you were close?"

Ven: "Yeah, I just finished."

Kid Ritz: "Alright. I'll get home before you. Do you want me to start on dinner?"

Ven: "Yes, please, thank you."

I finish up on the call, the songs I'm performing boucnign around my head annoyingly. This is way harder without Velv. I miss her support, her funny and witty humor, just... her. I have to keep going, though. I have to do this for Carlos and Midori.

I get home and upstairs to see Kid Ritz cooking some vegetables on the stove.

Kid Ritz: "Hi, sweet pea! How was rehearsal?"

Ven: "Alright, thank you. I appreciate you getting started. I need, like, the hottest shower ever; I'm absolutely disgusting right now."

Kid Ritz: "Okay, I'll probably have the food ready by the time you're done."

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