Back To The Rage Dome

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Fred POV:

I shower, feeling remarkably good from how I've been feeling.

Once I'm out, I get dressed in black clothing, tucking my gun in my waistband under my shirt just in case for later.

I look in the mirror before walking out to the bedroom. I wish I had a hair tie-

Just as I think it, I notice what looks to be a hair tie under the dresser, barely visible. Midori or Velvet must have left it behind.

I pick it up and return to the bathroom to experiment with putting my hair up. I dig having longer hair; I think it suits me and my face structure well.

However, it can get in my eyes, which I don't want to deal with tonight.

I work with my hair until it is in a spiky man bun. I can't lie and say I don't think I look good; my red hair looks great against the black clothing.

Rollie walks in, his jaw dropping as he sees me.

Rollie: "Oh my goodness gracious..."

He looks up at me with wide eyes, his hand lightly resting on my jaw as he looks my hair over.

Rollie: "You look incredible!"

I watch his eyes trail down my body, his other hand resting on my chest.

Fred: "I found a hair tie, which I think one of the girls left behind. I figured having my hair out of my face for the mission would be good."

Rollie: "The mission... right."

I bend down, kissing him as his hand wraps around the back of my neck. I press him gently against the vanity, enjoying our little make-out session.

As we pull away, I can't help but smile at his cute blush.

Rollie: "I feel like I'm kissing a super secret spy in a spy movie."

Fred; "That's fun to think about. It does feel like we're spies."

Rollie nods, giving me a smile and a kiss on the cheek before walking to the closet. I brush my teeth and mouthwash as he returns in a black long-sleeve and pants.

Fred: "You're a spy now, too."

Rollie: "I would hate being a spy; that's so much work not to be seen when my career is all about being in the public eye."

Fred: "Well, it's good that you only have to be stealthy for the mission."

Rollie: "Yeah. And I get to see you in all black with your hair up."

Fred: "You like the look?"

Rollie walks up to me, standing on his tiptoes to talk to me.

Rollie: "I love the look."

That sends my heart beating a little faster.

Fred: "I'll keep that in mind, love."

Rollie smiles, walking with me out to the conversation pit.

Veneer POV:

I finish what I can with my food, not hungry from the ring pop. Once I'm done, I'm allowed to go to my room.

I climb into bed, falling asleep until I hear Kid Ritz enter the bedroom.

Kid Ritz: "Ven?"

I sit up, rubbing my eyes.

Ven: "Hmm."

Kid Ritz: "Can I have your ring pop?"

The question floors me; he wants a hit? I mean, I know Fred will have a little later; I guess everyone wants to be calm.

V & V - Rageous Rageon RiseWhere stories live. Discover now