Light In The Hallway

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Veneer POV:

Jewels squeaks, her head turning to me as she sees me.

Velv stirs from Jewels' movement, gasping as she sees me.

Velv: "Veneer? What are you doing?"

I can't say anything; I'm just holding OJ tightly with my hand over my mouth. Velv gets out of bed and hurries to me.

Velv: "You're crying! What's wrong?"

Ven: "Y-You... you just... were in my... my room."

Velv: "What? No, I wasn't. I was sleeping. Did you have a nightmare?"

Ven: "Velv... you opened the door... walked in... and sat on the couch. I talked to you!"

I see her face drop as we look to the door I'm against.

Ven: "The... doppelgänger is here."

Velv: "Alright... ok. We're... we're not going to panic. Pull a coat from my closet; we're leaving."

I walk with her to her closet, shaking as I throw a coat on. Velv gets one on as well and lends me shoes.

Velv: "Ok... we're dressed. We... just have to get downstairs and go to the elevator, alright?"

I nod, terrified beyond words. We go to her door and open it slowly. I squeeze OJ tightly, scared, as I follow Velv down the stairs.


Something falls from the kitchen, making me jump hard. I look, yet I don't see anything there.


My TV, still on in my room, turns up, the noise frightening me. Velv opens the door and leads me out of the apartment.

She hurries me toward the elevator, urging me to get in first. We climb in, now having to wait for the doors to close.

Our front door opens again, and... Velv peeks from behind the door. Her eyes glow bright blue, and she smiles wickedly, soulless as Dom's smile.

Velv gasps as the doors shut.

Ven: "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

Velv: "Hey, no, it's ok. Just breathe. We'll get to Rollie's, where Fred, Rollie, and even Dom can help us, alright?"

I nod, my chest tight from panicking so severely. The elevator doors open, and I see a pair of blue eyes glaring at us from the darkness of the lobby.

Velv speed walks us outside, the iron bars of the gate screeching as we let ourselves out.

I look behind us and see Velv smiling from the lobby.

Velv and I practically run to Rollie's, now grateful more than ever for the close proximity of his apartment.

We get into the lobby, and my heart smashes in my chest with fear. As usual, we enter the elevator, the doors close, and I feel like I can breathe-


Jewels and I make scared sounds in terror. Velv holds Jewels close, breathing hard.

The sounds don't stop as we rise, the dining of the elevator scaring me.

I look at Velv, seeing her fear as the doors start to open. No one's waiting for us; it's just Rollie's apartment.

I start crying harder as we walk out, terrified beyond measure. Rollie walks out of his room, looking tired.

Ven: "Rollie!"

I run to him, crying as he pulls me in for a hug.

Rollie: "Ven? What's wrong? You're crying!"

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