Made My Decision

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Fred POV:

I stare into Rollie's eyes, wishing I could see them in their entirety.

Fred: "Come on. Let's go see what Ritzneer's doing."

Rollie: "Ritzneer?"

Fred: "It's my ship name for them."

Rollie laughs his beautiful laugh, making me smile.

Rollie: "You are so silly right now! I love it!"

He giggles as he exits the bathroom, leaving a smile on my lips. I change shirts before walking out with Rollie to the living area.

Ven and Kid Ritz are in the conversation pit, looking up at me from watching the TV.

Ven: "Hi, Fred. I hope you're doing ok."

Fred: "I am. Rollie helped me out when things were rough."

Kid Ritz: "That's good to hear, bud. Speaking of Rollie helping, he made the best macaroni ever, dude. It's next level."

I smile at him, yet the thought of food does not sound good.

Fred: "I'll get some soon."

Kid Ritz's smile falls, his dark eyes searching mine. Even though his eyes are almost blacked out, I can see the sadness.

Kid Ritz: "Fred."

His voice is quiet; he doesn't have to say more for me to know what he's referring to.

Fred: "I know, Ritz."

I answer back quietly, feeling Rollie's eyes on me before he walks toward the laundry room.

Kid Ritz bites his thumbnail, looking back at the TV. Ven turns to look at Kid Ritz, then back at me. I can see his worry and confusion even without anything in his eyes.

I go to the kitchen, pouring myself water before leaving, the smell of any food nauseating. I walk to the deck, sitting on the porch swing as I look at the red sky. Ven joins me, holding what appears to be a soda.

Ven: "I have ginger ale. It's our last bottle, and I figured it'd help."

Fred: "That's very nice of you, Ven. Wanna sit with me?"

He nods, taking the other side of the porch swing. His feet barely touch the ground while my legs extend far in front of me. I rock us back and forth slowly, enjoying the quiet air.

Fred: "You know, since no cars are running regularly, the sky has gotten clearer."

Ven: "I noticed that. I like to imagine what it'd look like with the normal night sky. I miss the stars and the pretty colors of the clouds around Mount Rageous."

The clouds have turned black and gray, the soft pastels rid from the atmosphere. The air is dark and heavy now, feeling like we live in an alternate universe, Hell.

Fred: "I bet you're wondering why Kid Ritz is upset."

Ven's quiet, fiddling with the edge of his shirt.

Ven: "I... had been wondering about it. I didn't want to ask; it's not really my place. I figured you guys knew what you were referring to."

Fred: "We do."

I take a deep breath, knowing what I'm about to say is rough.

Fred: "Something that... an alcoholic can sometimes do..."

Damn, that fucking hurts to say out loud. It's the truth, though, and the truth hurts.

Fred: "Is not eating, so you get drunk faster. It's terrible for you, and you should never do it. I'm telling you this... so that you never mimick me."

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