Frazzled Train Offer

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Veneer POV:

I sit quietly until Midori walks out with Carlos. I lock Fred's shop back up as they climb into the backseat of the truck. I get in and look at Carlos with a small smile.

Ven: "I'm glad you're back."

Carlos: "Me too. Thank you, Veneer."

Ven: "Don't need to thank me. We all worked together, even you."

Carlos smiles as he pulls Midori close. She rests her head on his shoulder and her hand on his chest as I start the truck. I sigh quietly to myself, feeling like... I should just focus on driving. I drive back to the newsroom, where everyone is mulling about. 

Midori and Carlos get out excitedly, and I park the truck in the parking lot. I climb out and take a moment to myself. I... don't really want to be feeling anything right now. I feel exhausted, like I've expelled everything my body could handle magic-wise. 

I don't even feel as shaky; my energy is so depleted. I think I was running on auto mode so that I could make sure Carlos was rescued in enough time from the way we had him tied up. Now that everything is relatively ok, I'm done emotionally and physically. 

I take a deep breath and try to calm myself. I use my ring pop, surprised it didn't melt in my pocket from how hot I got. I use until I realize I still need a way to get home, so I should try to be somewhat still present.

I take one last deep breath, feeling a bit overwhelmed. It's ok, Veneer. Just ask Fred for a ride home. I leave the parking lot and find Kid Ritz and his Mama inside the building. Everyone is talking and looking relieved, which is a good thing. I don't want to interject and bring the mood down, so I stand quietly by Riz as he talks to his Mama.

I look at Fred, seeing him stand beside Rollie and Gloria. I catch his eye, and he waves me over. I walk up to him and give Rollie a big hug. 

Rollie: "Veneer! Thank you for helping bring Gloria back!"

Ven: "Oh, Rollie, you, Velv, and Midori did half of the work! You all really made a difference in helping everyone feel calm."

Rollie smiles and gives me another hug. As he turns back to Gloria, Fred gives me a sad look. It's like... he just knows when I'm not doing good. I feel my mind start to swirl as I accidentally peek into his. His eyes widen slightly as he realizes what I'm doing.

Fred: *a r e... y o u  o k?*

Ven: *i ' m...  o v e r w h e l m e d.*

Fred nods, looking to understand.

Fred: *w a n t  m e  t o  t a k e  y o u  h o m e?*

I nod, feeling terrible about asking him.

Ven: "Are you everyone else's ride?"

Fred: "I think so."

Ven: "Then it's alright, I can wait here until you come back. I know you've got a lot of rides to make."

Fred: "You can just ride in the front with me. I'm sure I'll have everyone home in no time."

I nod and walk back to his truck. I get in the front, not feeling like I want to talk to anyone. I watch as Rageons take their time to exit the newsroom. Carlos and Midori come out first and sit in the back. As they talk, Kid Ritz and his Mama come out. Kid Ritz puts his Mama in the back, then walks to the window to talk to me.

Kid Ritz: "Hi, cariño."

The high has set in by now, and I'm feeling pretty quiet.

Ven: "Hi."

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