Let Me Inside

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Kid Ritz POV:

I open my eyes, seeing I'm somewhere I've never been, at least in my dreams. It looks like the world I'm in was once snowy, as puddles are everywhere. It's relatively hot, a stark contrast from the chills I've felt outside under Dom's impact on the weather.

I walk around, my shoes splashing in the puddles. Hmm, I guess I can play around with the water while I'm here. I picture the water moving, watching excitedly as droplets fly into the sky, making me excited.

I move the droplets around, letting the beads dance and swirl into pretty patterns through the light of the streetlamps lining the street I'm on. Who knew controlling water could be so calming? I let the water slowly fall back to their puddle, sighing as I think of Veneer.

Oh, I should try reaching out to him. I focus on the puddle in front of me, imagining that it's him I'm talking to. Slowly, I see his reflection morph through the still water. I get on my knees, looking over the glassy puddle as he fails to come into a clearer view.

Kid Ritz: "Veneer?"

I see his head tilt like he's confused. Faintly, I hear him say my name back. As I'm about to talk back to him, I see my vision swirl, the darkness coming for me.

Kid Ritz: "Woah!"

I sit up quickly, Roman no longer in my room. I look to the small clock in the room, seeing it's 8 a.m. I managed to sleep, even if it was for a few hours at most. I'd say I got four, maybe five. That's not bad for my first night as a Siren.

I get out of bed excitedly, taking the best shower ever as I slowly get the water to move and bend if I really focus. I get dressed quickly, hurrying out to the conversation pit area to see Roman up.

Roman: "Hey."

Kid Ritz: "Hi!"

Roman: "How'd it go?"

Kid Ritz: "I got to go to this world where puddles were everywhere. It was nighttime, and I made the water from the puddles move and dance. It was so pretty against the light of the street lamps."

Roman: "Sounds beautiful."

Kid Ritz: "Oh, and I talked to a puddle!"

Fred walks from the kitchen, looking at me confused.

Fred: "You did what now?"

Kid Ritz: "I talked to a puddle! Ven was inside! He could hear me, but he was very faint and distant."

Fred looks at me confused as Roman smiles.

Roman: "That's great, Ritz! I'm so happy for you."

Fred looks between us, his face really confused now. He almost seems agitated, yet he walks away without saying anything.

Kid Ritz: "So, I can get through to him, yet not much."

Roman: "It will come with practice, dude. I'm happy and excited about the progress you have made. Why don't we do more practice outside with the pool and hot tub until the girls come?"

Kid Ritz: "Sure!"

I follow him outside, excited and motivated much more than ever.

Rollie POV:

Fred meets me in the laundry room, his brows furrowed.

Rollie: "What's wrong?"

Fred doesn't meet my eyes, just shaking his head.

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