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Veneer POV:

I wait onstage... and just as practiced, the curtain shoots up. I beam at the crowd as I perform my opening dance. The crowd goes wild as I dip and dance in place.

As I sing, I strut to the front of the stage, my confidence levels through the roof as I look out across the crowd. My heart drops as I see The Sage Boyz front and center of the crowd. I notice them but quickly look away after a second.

Shit, Ven. Okay... now I've really got to bring it. I hear the notes of my opening number, and the crowd goes mad. I strut to the back of the stage as Kid Ritz speaks from the side, where he stands and dances along to whatever I'm doing.

When there is a transition, he recites his little pre-written monologue. It's a cute dynamic; as our fans know by now, we're married.

Okay, enough sappy thoughts; let's do this!

Ven: "Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah."

I pause for dramatic effect, and my fans go mad as I hold my hands over my head in a power stance. I smile, then spin, so my back is facing the audience. I look over my shoulder with a serious face, then whip out of it as the beat drops. I sing and strut around the stage as my backup dancers run out.

Ven: "I think I did it again
I made you believe we're more than just friends
Oh baby
It might seem like a crush
But it doesn't mean that I'm serious
'Cause to lose all my senses
That is just so typically me
Oh baby, baby."

My backup dancer picks me up and swings me in his arms as I sing. I lay in his hold dramatically as I lean back and drape my hand over my head. I'm passed from dancer to dancer, and I play a flirt with each, yet I quickly move on from them as I don't want them to get too comfortable. The audience eats it up each time I move one from guy to guy.

Ven: "Oops, I did it again
I played with your heart, got lost in the game
Oh baby, baby
Oops, you think I'm in love
That I'm sent from above
I'm not that innocent."

I give a sly smile at the crowd as I'm handcuffed by one of my dancers. I am spun around, my wrists cuffed as I hold my hands over my head. I fall right into the arms of one of my dancers. We do a duo dance of intense footwork while my hands are tied. It makes my abs burn to keep my arms up in the way they are, and continue to sing, but it's worth it, as the effect of the dance goes super well with the lyrics.

Ven: "You see my problem is this
I'm dreaming away
Wishing that heroes, they truly exist
I cry, watching the days
Can't you see I'm a fool in so many ways
But to lose all my senses
That is just so typically me
Oh baby, oh."

My fans cheer as I slide to the front of the stage and break my cuffs apart. I get up in a dramatic flip and power walk across the stage as I swing my "broken" cuffs. I walk up to my backup dancer and dramatically pull him towards me.

Ven: "Oops, I did it again
I played with your heart, got lost in the game
Oh baby, baby
Oops, you think I'm in love
That I'm sent from above
I'm not that innocent."

With a smirk, I bend him over in front of me... then handcuff him. He fakes being shocked as I "kick" his back into a kneeling position, his hands cuffed behind his back as his head hangs down in defeat. The audience screams as I walk around him, my hand rubbing over his strong shoulder. I make one rotation, then stop in front of him.

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