Not The Museum

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Velvet POV:

Velv: "Where could they have gone?"

When I look around, Sammy's stench remains almost blinding, yet not enough for me not to notice the absence of the trolls and diamond. It's so different to see the room in the light; Sammy's exploded parts are unsightly, regardless of the smell.

Roman: "Well, there are no tubes on the ground. That must mean whoever moved them did not take them apart from the diamond."

Dom: "This is impossible! I'm the only one who knows about the setup down here. You guys aren't playing a trick on me, are you?"

Dom starts to look upset, his eyes glowing bright blue.

Velv: "Dom, no. None of us are weird and crazy like you."

He glares at me, yet seems to consider what I'm saying.

Midori: "If we're the only ones who know about them down here..."

Kid Ritz: "Then... Veneer has to have been the one to take the trolls."

My heart pounds in my ears as what he said makes sense.

Velv: "What could he possibly have taken the trolls for?"

Roman: "Who knows, but I don't think we should discuss it here. Sammy's... remains can't be good to breathe in."

We all agree, choosing to leave to the middle room to talk things through.

Velv: "Dom, how did you even find this place?"

I look around the middle room, a bit grossed out to know he's been hiding out down here.

Dom: "My brothers and I were given a tour of the Rage Dome. We saw the hatch to the floor open, and I dared Brandon to go down. He didn't want to, like the baby he is- was, so I made Johnny go down. We followed him and found out about this second section. It was perfect to house the trolls in after... Veneer left the mansion, because I figured no one would know about this place."

Velv: "Ven and I were told about the second section briefly. I never saw or toured it, though; I think they assumed we wouldn't need a tour if we were only going to be down here for a small intermission."

Roman: "Aside from how you found this place, what will we do? Veneer has the trolls and the diamond. He most likely has no idea about the danger of separating them."

We stay quiet, unsure of what we can do.

Midori: "Well, we can try listing where he'd take the trolls and narrow down from there?"

Velv: "That's a good idea, M."

She smiles at me, looking proud of herself.

Kid Ritz: "He could have them... hmm."

Roman: "Where could he store them without anyone knowing where they are?"

Velv: "The museum?"

The group looks at me, their faces shifting to realization.

Kid Ritz: "That's a great place to hide them! Especially if he thinks no one would think to look there."

Velv: "I know how to get in, so I say we look there first."

The group nods, following me out of the middle room. As we exit the Rage Dome, I see the signs of Ven's wrath left behind: the singe and melted button to the elevator, the iron bars melted to his fists, the burn marks where...

I can't beat myself up forever about that; it's just not healthy. We get outside as the sun sets, Midori and I encouraging Roman to sit with us in the backseat, where it's safer.

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