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Fred POV:

I lead us down to the bottom floor, approaching the left hallway as quietly as I can. I walk into the storage room, having to maneuver my body around the different objects cluttering the room. You'd think for a high-functioning facility like the Rage Dome, which hosts the best of the best performers, there would be some sort of system of organization, but guess not.

I continue walking until I realize I'm alone.

Fred: "Ven? Kid Ritz?"

They were right behind me! Right?

I spin around, coming face to face with a poster for an old show, the rageon's face distorted with age. What the hell? I don't remember walking past the poster or this light fixture that has magically appeared by my foot. What is going on?

I turn back the way I was headed, seeing a wall now in front of me. Okay, something seriously fishy is going on. This is just Dom playing mind tricks on me—that's all this is. Keep calm, Fred. Just keep calm.

I put my palm on the wall, feeling that it's solid. I walk along the wall, stepping over crates and boxes full of random things. This room reminds me a lot of the shop. Hey, if I think of this place as my store, it doesn't seem too bad!

I feel my heart relax as I shift my mentality, actually having a little fun with each new item that seems to appear magically out of nowhere. I bend down over a box, seeing it filled with yo-yo's!

Fred: "Right on! This is the best haunted freaky room ever!"

I hear my voice echo, remembering where I'm at. Shit... probably shouldn't have talked so loud-


I hear the door to the room creak open somewhere behind, my heart picking right back up as a scuttling noise sounds overhead. Oh... shit, I'm fucked.

I clutch my new yo-yo's tightly, scared as all get out as I hear Midori giggle.

Her voice is in sync with the scuttling... making me realize she's the one doing the-.

I hold my breath as something knocks down next to me, a darting figure crawling up the wall beside me.

It's Midori crawling on the wall.

She giggles again, the monotone laughter making me feel scared to breathe.

I hold still, hoping with everything in me she doesn't see me.

m i d o r i: ^w h e r e  a r e  y o u u u. c o m e  o u t,  c o m e  o u t, w h e r e v e r  y o u  a r e e e.^

Her once light, lilting voice now holds nothing but malice, making even more worried for what she'll do to me if she finds me.

I crouch low, moving along the boxes and items towards the direction of the exit from where I heard her scurry from.

I move as fast as I can, until-


I trip over a box I couldn't see, falling forward over it with a loud crash. I hear Midori gasp, her limbs crawling over to me as fast as a spider. I stare with wide eyes as she crawls over my head, twisting her shoulders so she's looking at me.

Her eyes glow brightly, her sickeningly wide smile scaring me. I feel drops of her black spit hit my head, grossing me out on top of my fear.

m i d o r i: ^h i  f r e d d y!^

I roll to my right as her mouth opens, one of the long black tentacles shooting down to attempt to hit me. I get up, shoving random objects at her as I try to get some distance between us. The guns weigh heavy in my pocket, but there is absolutely no way I want to shoot her.

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