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Fred POV:

My head pounds as we walk outside; it's hard to see. Kid Ritz goes to his car, getting in the driver's seat as I climb into the passenger's. I put my seatbelt on, having to close my eyes as we drive. 

The drive is silent, Kid Ritz pulling up to the gas station. He parks at the gas pump, finding he can't fill up without cash.

Kid Ritz: "Shit, dude. I'm low. I'll get us home, but other than that, she's not going anywhere."

Fred: "We'll look in the cash register."

Kid Ritz: "You mean to steal the money?"

I nod, not giving him chance to make me feel bad for the suggestion. I get out, my eyes straining to see the ground in front of me. I walk up to the gas station, seeing the door's open. I poke my head inside, noticing that most of the items inside are gone.

Kid Ritz: "Midori and Carlos were here a bit ago, right?"

Fred: "I think so. Let's see what we can find."

We walk inside quietly, with our guns out as a precaution. We scope the floor, not finding any monsters before we begin searching. I go to the front, searching for cash in the cash register. Surprisingly, I find what the cashier most likely left behind, taking it out and counting it before handing it to Kid Ritz.

Kid Ritz: "Woah, did nobody think to loot the register?"

Fred: "Maybe not if food or supplies were a priority."

Kid Ritz: "Ok. I'll go fill up, and you can continue looking for flashlights or anything else useful."

Fred: "It'd be a real convenience store if they sold ammo belts."

Kid Ritz meets my eyes, smirking as he laughs. I can't help but smile, feeling good about that small comment. It makes me feel like my old self again. I want to bring that side of me back— the silly, carefree Freddy.

I look around, searching until I find a box of flashlights. They don't look to be the best quality, but I'm sure they'll do. I poke around, not seeing much of anything valuable. I go back behind the register, looking at the locked items.

I spy ring pops in the top corner, seeing I need a key to get in. I could break the glass, but it'd get Ritz's attention. I search for a key, annoyed as I can't find one. Just as I'm about to give up, I see something glint under the register. I bend down, picking up a bloodied lanyard, a set of keys at the end of it.

I try each key until the last one opens the glass door. I look outside, seeing as Kid Ritz approaches the entrance. I grab two ring pops, grateful for my height. I shove them into my pocket just as Ritz gets to the door. I shut the glass door, tossing the lanyard to the floor as he walks in.

Kid Ritz: "Find anything?"

I turn around, nodding as I show him the flashlights.

Kid Ritz: "Good job, dude! Ready to go?"

I nod, walking out of the convenience store with him. I look back towards the register, jumping as I see the building on fire. I stare in shock, the flames so bright and hot that a fire can't have broken out that fast in seconds since I walked out.

Kid Ritz: "Fred?"

I flinch when I hear my name, blinking to see the fire gone. I blink a few more times, not trusting what I see.

Kid Ritz: "Dude, you ok?"

I tear my eyes away from the building and walk straight to the car. I get in, trying to calm my breathing as out of the corner of my eye, I see the flames return. Kid Ritz gets in the car, looking very nervous.

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