Change Of Plans

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Kid Ritz POV:

I watch as Ven goes out to Fred on the deck, the two sitting on the porch swing where I can't see their faces. Rollie comes back from the laundry room, sitting next to me.

Rollie: "Whatcha watching?"

Kid Ritz: "This is one of the only channels still on. I think it's a troll show? There's only non-Rageon stations still operating."

Rollie nods, watching with me a few trolls talk about a birthday party.

Rollie: "You... doing better? Your hand, I mean."

Kid Ritz: "I am. I appreciate your help."

Rollie nods, looking like he wants to say more, yet refrains from doing so.

Kid Ritz: "I bet you're curious about what Fred and I exchanged."

Rollie meets my eyes, nodding shyly.

Kid Ritz: "I knew I didn't want to call him out in front of everyone, but... he worried me."

Rollie: "From being sick?"

Kid Ritz: "From not eating. He's done it in the past so he gets drunk faster. Orchid and I have had to have a few tough talks with him on it, yet he still struggles with it. He did it today, and when he doesn't eat, he won't want to after being sick. It's a cycle... and... I just was upset he fell into it again. I was more so mad with myself for not keeping a better eye on him. I know he's an adult, and he's capable of knowing what's right from wrong, it's just... I also know his alcoholism isn't something he can beat on his own... and he needs help to stay on track, especially with how things are right now in Mount Rageous."

Rollie stays quiet, his hands drumming nervously on his knee.

Rollie: "I... had no idea he did that. I... guess I didn't think about him not eating."

Kid Ritz: "There would be no way for you to know unless he told you. He doesn't do it every time he drinks, it's just important to keep track when he does, so it doesn't become an even bigger issue. I... don't want to feel like I'm controlling him, I'm... just worried."

Rollie: "You're his best friend, and you two know each other well. It's important he has someone like you to help him. I think it's great he and Ven are going to rehab. I also think it's ok if you and I do our best to encourage and support them until they get to rehab. I know you said you don't want to come off as controlling him, and I don't think that you are. It may be rough emotionally to be reminded, but I think it'll be helpful in the long run. We have to do what we can until this is over, so I think you taking initiative and directive to help him... is crucial."

Wow... he speaks with such smart and educated words... it makes me feel confident in myself.

Kid Ritz: "You're so good at talking, Rollie. That means a lot to have your support. I know how much you love him and want the best for him."

Rollie: "He said he's gonna marry me. We'll adopt monkeys, and he'll become a monkey trainer and train them to be as good as Jewels, and I'll incorporate them into my acts. On stage, I'll bring them out, and he can perform with me and the monkeys by doing his yo-yo tricks, which he also said he'll teach on the side. Our honeymoon is going to be in Vacay island, and everything will be perfect."

Kid Ritz: "Wow, Rollie. That sounds like... quite the life. I can see you two playing around with monkeys; it works."

Rollie beams, looking very excited. Ven walks back inside, his hand on his chest as he coughs. It seems like he may have been crying, as there's glitter all over his face. I would go check on him, but I want to give him some space first.

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