Bye, r o m a n

35 3 0

Kid Ritz POV:

Ven slides his hand into mine, walking alongside me. I wasn't expecting his gesture, but I really appreciate it.

I rub his knuckles with my thumb, remembering the first time we expressed an intimate, soothing moment.

I think he is doing a fantastic job of being down here for the first time; this place has become no joke.

I let him go up first up the stairs; worried Velv may be lurking in the dark, ready to attack or strike from behind.

I haven't heard the elevator, so I'm scared about where she is...

We reach the elevator, Ven pressing the button nervously. Fred holds a yo-yo in his hand, his body language aggressive as he holds at the ready for anyone to attack.

The elevator doors open, revealing the bright, yellow wash of light into the darkness.

I go in first, acting like a bodyguard for V, as Fred walks in last. We listen as the doors close, something running towards the elevator.

They don't make it in time, as the doors shut. I stare at Fred, stressed, as that was way closer than we expected.

If that was Velv, she'll surely try to take the elevator now after us, leaving us only a minuscule amount of time for us to climb up to the stage.

We won't make it.

Kid Ritz: "We won't make it to the stage in time."

Fred: "I know, I was just thinking that. I say we hide in the dark, and keep hidden. Keep whoever that is guessing where we're at."

Kid Ritz: "Maybe we could yo-yo them under the stage?"

Fred: "That's risky, and it'd be super hard to drag them away from down here where they could be easily untied if found by someone else."

The doors to the elevator open, making me nervous as we shuffle out. I hurry us to the very end of the tunnel, crouching against the wall in front of Ven.

Fred's always sheltering others; it's my turn now.

I keep my breathing silent as I hear the elevator immediately descend and then start its ascent. My heart slams against my chest as I hear the elevator doors open.

It's far enough away so I can't see who's gotten out, but I know it's only a problem who has.

I jump as I hear something slap against the wall, like a whip. It sounds again, my body shaking as I'm so scared.

v e l v e t: ^c o m e  h e r e  v e n. d o n ' t  a b a n d o n  m e  l i k e  o u r  p a r e n t s.^

Another violent slapping noise, super close this time, comes from Velvet as she approaches the ladder to go up to the stage.

From the glow of her light pinkish purple eyes glowing, the flickers threatening and aggressive, I can see the swarm of thin, whip-like tentacles squirming past her lips.

She tilts her head back, letting the tentacles feel around in the air, one slamming against the wall.

She's feeling for us in the dark... holy shit.

I keep my body over Ven's, feeling as Fred inches closer to do the same.

v e l v e t: ^g o i n g  u p.^

She starts climbing the ladder, and the sounds of her feet eventually get softer, making Fred feel safe to move.

I murmur beyond quietly, speaking directly at his ear.

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