Ninja Starz And Phenyl Oxalate Ester

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Kid Ritz POV:

I see Fred passed out, his right arm covering his eyes, his left dangling off the edge of the bed. That can't be comfortable. I close the door behind me and walk up slowly to him and let Jewels hop onto the bed. 

Kid Ritz: "Freddy."

I rub his shoulder, growing concerned as I feel him so clammy. Poor dude. He mumbles as he slowly moves his arm away from his eyes. His eyes are hooded... wait.

Kid Ritz: "Dude... are you drunk?"

Fred furrows his eyebrows as he shakes his head no. He sits up slowly and swings his other leg to put both feet on the floor.

Fred: "I haven't had a drink for a while. Why?"

Kid Ritz: "Your eyes just look..."

I stop, piecing two and two together.

Kid Ritz: "Freddy."

He doesn't meet my eyes, his head hung low.

Kid Ritz: "Fred... no..."

He sighs as he already knows I've caught on.

Fred: "I thought it'd be better than drinking."

I sit next to him, my heart beating faster.

Kid Ritz: "Fred... Rollie doesn't know, does he."

Fred sighs and shakes his head. He gets up and takes out the two ring pops for Ven from the bedside table.

Kid Ritz: "You have both? Ven's out there without anything?"

Fred nods as he looks at the ring pops in his palm.

Kid Ritz: "Is... this how you haven't needed a drink?"

He nods again, not meeting my eyes. I should have known not to give him the ring pop. Even in the height of me just getting my magic, I knew not to touch them. I have the self-restraint that Ven and Fred just don't have anymore, which I don't hold in any way to them.

Kid Ritz: "I am sorry."

Fred looks at me, confused.

Kid Ritz: "I shouldn't have ever given you the ring pop."

Fred: "I made you do it."

Kid Ritz: "I still should have been more careful."

Fred's quiet for a moment as he pets Jewels. She wraps her tail around his wrist as she hops up. It's sweet to see him hold her, yet he looks so distant as he does. He doesn't seem present, and it breaks my heart to see him numb himself. 

Fred: "I would have used the one from Ven anyway. He gave it to me when we last saw each other. I... figured this would be better than drinking. It's annoying... the shakes. Though, I guess you're feeling them now as well."

Fred murmurs, defeated. I stand and look at him sadly. He surprises me by handing me the ring pops. I didn't have to even ask. I take them and put them in my pocket.

Kid Ritz: "I don't know how to help you, Freddy."

I speak quietly, trying not to cry. 

Kid Ritz: "I became a Siren to help... I just don't know how to."

Fred meets my eyes sadly.

Fred: "I... just have to roll with the punches. It's rough... but... I think I can get by. I'm... glad I was caught. I don't have the will not to use."

Kid Ritz: "That's big of you to say. I don't expect you to be able to go off anything cold turkey, which is why I'm now worried about Ven even more."

Fred: "We'll find him. Has the group talked already?"

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