Dug Paranoia Instability

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Fred POV:

Ven sits down as the TV records riots outside of the Mayor's office.

Ven: "What happened? I saw earlier he announced we'd have a city meeting."

Rollie: "I think some citizens are angry about the state of Mount Rageous."

Ven: "Are they mad at the Mayor?"

Fred: "I think so, dude."

Ven: "That's ridiculous! If there's anyone they should be mad at, it should be me and Dom."

I look at Ven, seeing his upset face as he glares at the TV.

Ven: "I need to do something. This is not good."

Rollie: "Well, what could you do? I think our best bet is waiting until the city meeting."

Ven: "If everyone is this angry, then the Mayor isn't going to be able to calm this down on his own. First thing tomorrow, I'm going to the Mayor's office."

Rollie: "Well, if you're going, so am I."

I look at Ven, then Rollie, then the TV.

Fred: "Well, I guess I could go for some adventure. My life's been pretty quiet otherwise."

Rollie giggles as Ven shakes his head.

Ven: "I wonder how much work he's got to do now that everyone is back."

Fred: "Dude's probably swamped with work. Dom mentioned his office is ruined since he went through it. Dom didn't think the Mayor would come back and has left a mess."

Rollie: "You think they'll put Dom in jail?"

Ven: "I'm sure if they put him in jail, Velv and I are going to follow."

That hangs in the air as the TV continues to show angry Rageons outside.

Rollie: "Well, let's not think like that. Honestly, if that footage you got at the Rage Dome is ruined, then... there's no proof of anything that happened from either you, Ven, or Dom."

I look at Rollie, then Ven, confused.

Fred: "You're saying... Ven and Dom could get by... free?"

Rollie nods, his red eyes looking seriously at me.

Ven: "That... that wouldn't work, would it? Dom confessed in front of everyone."

Rollie: "I am just saying... maybe... for your sake... we keep... quiet."

Fred: "It... wouldn't be so bad... would it? We've all done things that... we aren't proud of. Think of what's happened from those Rageons... well, who are raging outside right now and what they've done that won't be prosecuted."

Ven looks down, looking nervous.

Ven: "Then... should I not go to the Mayor?"

Rollie: "Think of it like this. If you go, you'd probably confess what you've done, what we've done, good and bad. It's probably give the Mayor a scapegoat, Dom, and he'd get the angry citizens off his back. Or... you don't go... and the Mayor will have to figure things out alone. You wouldn't get credit for everything you've done, most likely, but you'd also probably get to keep your career."

Fred: "That's a lot to take in."

Rollie meets my eyes, looking stressed.

Ven: "This is hard. I wish I had Kid Ritz to give me his opinion. What do you two think I should do?"

I meet his eyes, giving my answer at the same time as Rollie.

Fred: "You should go."

Rollie: "You should not go."

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