Electrifying Media

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Kid Ritz POV:

The worst pain I've ever felt smashes through my body. I'm violently jolted as electricity shoots through my body. I fall forward, my body shaking as the electricity flows through me. I feel it pass through the top of my head to my toes, the jolts of searing pain smattering through my veins.

It eventually dissipates as I lay on the floor, gasping horrifically. I can't see much, my vision blurry as I struggle to breathe.

Ven: "Ritz! Holy fuck! Kid Ritz!"

Velv: "Midori, help me move the monster's leg."

Rollie: "Fuck, I've got the camera."

I struggle to see, blinking away the glitter that's formed from my crying. As I blink, I see Ven and Midori looking at me wide-eyed. 

Rollie and Velv kneel, the four of them staring at me, terrified.

Ven: "Can you breathe? Oh gosh, can you breathe?"

I nod, my hand on my heart as I slowly sit up. I stare at my hands, seeing shocks of lighter purple electric lightning bolts lining my skin. 

Kid Ritz: "Was... was I just electrocuted?"

Velv: "I think so. Your eyes... they..."

Rollie: "Have lightning bolts on them."

I gingerly stand on my own, the four most likely afraid to touch me. I walk up to the camera, seeing in the view that my eyes do, in fact, have a lightning bolt running across my iris. I pull off my hoodie and shirt and see a long lightning bolt running up my arms, connecting them and running up and down my neck and upper body. 

I bend down, and roll up my pant leg to see the same lighting bolt connected along my leg.

Kid Ritz: "How... how did I survive that? That hurt so fucking badly."

Ven: "Oh, Ritz."

His voice quivers as he walks up to me.

He looks absolutely distraught. I can imagine how scary it must have been to see me be electrocuted.

Kid Ritz: "Maybe it's because I'm using water as my element? I was handling wires, and I guess... that was what put me at risk."

Rollie: "As long as... you're relatively ok, I can do any electrical work."

Midori: "Me too. That was so scary. Your whole body lit up."

Velv: "You... are ok?"

Kid Ritz: "I'm ok now. It took me a minute to recover, but I think I'll be ok. My body aches, though."

Ven: "Want me to try healing you?"

Kid Ritz: "It's alright. Maybe once we're back in the apartment, I feel ok enough to keep going."

Ven nods and cautiously walks back with Velv to the desk. I show Rollie what to connect, my heart doing a little jump as I see the camera turn on. As I stand by the camera, an idea pops into my head.

Kid Ritz: "What if I do a live feed?"

Velv: "What do you mean?"

Kid Ritz: "What if I film what's happening at the Rage Dome so the viewers at home can see what we're doing."

Rollie: "That's not a bad idea. You know how to hook up your feed to ours?"

Kid Ritz: "I do. I'm so glad I used to do intern work here for summer jobs while I was in highschool. I'd stay late so I could earn more, and I'd learn the ropes of things along the way. It's how I got referenced to be a host to MRS."

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