3 AM

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Veneer POV:

We walk to Fred's truck, Dom getting in the front as I get in the back with Velv.

Jewels keeps sniffing the fig, so Velv lets her eat from her hand. Velv looks around the truck, seeming impressed.

Velv: "Did you clean in here?"

Fred: "Yeah, Ven helped me."

Velv: "It looks great! You guys did a wonderful job."

I look at her. It's nice hearing her compliment and sounding sincere.

Dom: "I agree. The truck looks great here."

Fred: "Thanks, dude."

Fred drives Dom to his place. Dom looks up to the jungle, his blue eyes looking nervously at his floor.

Ven: "You... think he's in there?"

Dom: "I saw him at Rollie's."

Ven: "I know what that's like."

It comes out cold, but we both know it needs to be said.

Fred: "Saw who?"

Dom: "My doppelgänger."

Fred: "You saw him in Rollie's?"

Dom: "Yes. He follows me everywhere, so I figured it'd be the safest... for everyone if I were outside."

Ven: "That doppelgänger is malicious. He's terrifying, I hate him."

Fred: "Well... you don't think he'd interfere with tomorrow, do you?"

Dom: "I hope not."

His voice comes out quiet. He's scared... it's so weird to hear him scared, but he is.

I meet Fred's eyes through the mirror. He gives me a look that I'm not sure what to give a response to.

Fred: "Dom, why don't I go up with you and get the food? You get what you need and spend the night at Rollie's. We need you for tomorrow, so it's best if... you're not alone."

Dom: "What would Rollie think?"

Fred: "That he wants you to be safe for tonight... and let a doppelgänger stop you from doing what needs to be done."

Dom looks down, then at Fred.

Dom: "Thank you."

Fred nods and climbs out of the truck. I follow, Velv grabbing my arm.

Velv: "Are you sure? That place has to be dangerous and hold bad memories."

Ven: "I don't want Fred in there alone if Dom's this worried."

Velv sighs and nods. She follows me out of the truck, and we walk in. Velv tosses the last of Jewels' fig away, wiping her hand nervously on her pants as we enter the elevator.

Jewels keeps quiet, his pink head turning around curiously.

Ven: "I think he can hear the water."

Dom: "From my bathroom?"

I nod, watching Jewels' ears twist and listen in for sounds. The elevator door opens, and I feel "The Chill."

Ven: "The Chill" is strong today."

Dom: "You feel it still?"

I nod.

Dom: "I should work on making that stop. I think it happens when I'm... I'm emotional."

Ven: "I think a lot of your magic stems from your emotions, like the sky turning red or snowflakes appearing."

Dom nods as he approaches the door. Fred steps in front of Velv, Jewels, and me, holding his arm slightly back protectively over us.

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