Help Me Help You Relax

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Rollie POV:

I get to the hallway, finding Roman walking around.

Rollie: "Hey. Heard you're feeling better?"

Roman: "I am. What about you?"

Rollie: "Fine. Where's Ritz?"

Roman: "Showering."

I nod, feeling a little awkward talking to Roman. I don't see why I do; it just feels like the tension in the air is off.

Rollie: "Ok, well, I guess I'll wait in the kitchen for him to be done."

Roman: "Cool. Do... you mind if I sleep somewhere other than in Ritz's room?"

Rollie: "Oh, yeah, that makes sense. You're more than welcome to use what's been a guest bedroom for everyone who's come in and out."

Roman: "Thank you. I need sleep, if that's alright. I'm... I don't know, worn out a little."

Rollie: "Don't feel bad about asking me for anything; I'm your host, after all."

Roman tries giving me a small smile, yet doesn't seem to have his whole heart into it. It looks like something is bothering him.

Rollie: "One last thing."

Roman looks me in the eyes, his eyebrows slightly frowning.

Rollie: "Have... you noticed anything with Kid Ritz?"

Roman stays quiet for a long time.

Roman: "He will tell you. It's... not something that's mine to reveal, but he will tell you."

Rollie: "Were you just not going to tell me?"

Roman stays quiet again.

Roman: "Yes. I... wasn't sure if he told you already or not."

I look at him, put off, yet not upset.

Roman: "I understand if that upsets you. I can go..."

Rollie: "You are perfectly fine to stay here. I'll just... wait for him to get out of the shower."

Roman nods, looking tired and uncomfortable.

Rollie: "I'll talk to you tomorrow. I hope you can get some rest."

Roman: "You too."

With that, he slips into the girl's old room. I sigh, my tummy still aching. I go to the kitchen and see an unfinished bowl of soup in the fridge.

Hmm. I guess one of the boys weren't that hungry. I make myself Alka seltzer with a tablet, noticing every dish has been cleaned and put away.

The counters are spotless as well...

I go to the conversation pit and see every cushion put nicely upright.

Who cleaned?

Kid Ritz: "Mmm mmm mmmmm."

Kid Ritz comes humming down the hallway, his face lighting up as he sees me.

Kid Ritz: "Rollie!"

He skips over, flopping over the back of the conversation pit and down beside me.

Kid Ritz: "What's up, dude? How's it hanging? Or, I should be saying rolling. Get it... because your name is Rollie. Came up with that one myself."

He laughs to himself, immediately expressing to me the hyper activity Fred described to me.

Rollie: "You feel alright?"

Kid Ritz: "Totally alright! I feel great! I got soup, and cleaned, and showered, and danced, and hummed, and-"

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