Circus Covered

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Kid Ritz POV:

I enter the dressing room and pick up Jewels, making sure she's alright before I go and check in with Ven. He doesn't meet my eyes... and I can see why. His teeth are chattering, his jaw's moving... and he overall looks like he's on something.

He's probably stressed out of his mind over it... so I won't press him on it. We both know the risks of him getting high in this way... it's just something we have to see through until the end of the month.

Kid Ritz: "Ven, you did a marvelous job tonight. I think the OIDIA song went really well."

Ven meets my eyes with a smile; his eyes are still tinted green and hooded.

Ven: "I-I had tons of fun with it! I think your c-cameo at the end is so cute!"

I nod as I hand him his T-shirt. I know he's stressed about the troll high, but I do want to try and make some of him being in a solo tour fun to look back on. Once we're all packed up and ready to go, I walk us out of "The Boom Box" for the last time this weekend.

I get us home and clean up as Ven takes a shower. I then put Jewels to bed, shower, and walk into Ven's room to find him up and cleaning. It's pretty late, probably around one, so I don't really want him cleaning.

But, from his shaking, I can see his energy is excessive.

Kid Ritz: "Ven, did I ever try the sleep trick Roman taught me on you?"

He looks at me before continuing to wipe down his night table.

Ven: "I don't think so. What is it?"

Kid Ritz: "Well, it's a trick Roman taught me that he says he uses for Cade when he can't sleep. I was wondering if you wanted me to try it with you so you can maybe wind down a little." 

Ven meets my eyes again with a nod before taking the rag he was using and bringing it to his hamper. I wait for him to finish getting ready for bed. Once he's done brushing his teeth, he walks over to me.

Kid Ritz: "You can lie down and close your eyes. I don't want you to think of anything else than what makes you feel calm and happy, alright, my sweetheart?"

He nods and lays down, sighing as he shakes in his bed.

Kid Ritz: "Now, I'm going to enter your mind, just as if I were gonna see into your thoughts. I'm going to the darkness, and you should feel a slight burning sensation, but nothing too uncomfortable."

Ven: "Alright. Thank you."

I kiss him gently, and as I do so, I enter his mind. I kiss him as a distraction as I go through his thoughts. I convince him and his mind to heal themselves by falling asleep, and soon, his lips stop kissing me.

I pull away, back out of his mind, and see him fast asleep in bed, his hand dangling off the edge of the bed. I gently pick his hand up and lay it across his chest before pulling the covers up. Once he's tucked in, I turn off the lights around his room, then crawl into bed.

I move slowly so as to not wake him, just like you would around a sleeping baby. Once I'm in the covers, I feel my body relax. I close my eyes, the memories of tonight replaying in my head.

It's hard to see Ven "flirt" with other guys on stage, yet he never takes it too far. Even if he had to kiss or be intimate with a dancer on stage, I have more than enough trust to know it's just business.

Still, I won't lie to myself: I like having a cameo at the end of OIDIA, as it allows me to feel desirable and wanted at the end of such a risque song. However, the more I think of Ven, the more upset I get.

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