Soothing Sage

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Veneer POV:

I finish crying as the movie ends; I can't help it; it's just too good. I stand and wipe my eyes as Velv collects herself. Kid Ritz looks a bit confused, but it's okay. He doesn't need to get it. I'm just so happy he watched with me.

I send Kid Ritz off to bed with Jewels as I clean up with Velv. Once everything's been put away, I sit on Velv's bed for a moment. She sits next to me, sighing quietly. Slowly, she wraps her arms around me, hugging me as she holds me close.

She smells very good, very vanilla and floral-esque. She smells comforting.

Velv: "I'm proud of you. What you're doing won't be easy, but I know you can do it."

I take a deep breath, trying not to cry again.

Velv: "I can't wait for what we can do when you get back. We will watch movies... and probably do other stuff, but I mostly care about the movies and self-care."

That makes me laugh as a tear rolls down my cheek.

Velv: "Hey, really, though. I don't want you to be upset. This is important for you. Fred, as well. I... really want the both of you to feel better, so by you two leaving for a little bit, it will be the best thing. You have my full support."

Ven: "Thank you so much, V. You have no idea how much I want this to work... for me to get better."

Velv: "I know you can do it."

I nod my head as I look at her. She has tears in her eyes, yet she's been trying to be strong for me and not show that she's crying. 

Velv: "I love you, Veneer. You're my baby brother by, like, two minutes... and I want the best for you."

Ven: "Even in a heartfelt moment, you bring up you're older. I love it."

She punches my arm very gently, making me laugh.

Velv: "Okay, enough sappy. I'm EXHAUSTED, and you have your boyfriend in the other room, so you can leave me alone now."

Ven: "Alright, since you can't get rid of me fast enough, I'll see you in the morning."

Velv: "Have a good night, Ven."

Ven: "You too, V."

I leave her room, closing the door quietly with a somewhat sad feeling. It's a mixture of sad and happy. I love her... and to hear her say it back gives me the momentum I need to face what tomorrow will bring with confidence.

I enter my room quietly in case Ritz is asleep. He's not. Instead, he plays with Jewels by holding her high in the air above his head. He brings her down and blows raspberries on her tummy before lifting her up again.

She squeaks happily and laughs as he tickles her, making my heart swoon. I come to bed and lay next to them, content with how I feel. Kid Ritz puts Jewels down and lets her bounce around as he turns to look at me.

Kid Ritz: "Hi."

Ven: "Hi."

He reaches over and gently boops my nose. It makes me laugh at how cute he can be. It's like his brain tells him to do something, and he does it, and I think it's so sweet. 

Kid Ritz: "How are you doing?"

Ven: "Better. Velv and I had a tiny talk; she made me laugh, so that put me in a good mood. Plus, seeing how gentle you are with Jewels makes me very happy. If you're happy, I feel super happy."

Kid Ritz: "I love our baby. She's perfect and squeaky and silly."

Jewels hops over, her little face coming right up to me. She sniffs and licks my face, making me giggle from how fuzzy she is. She finishes attacking my face with kisses before curling up at the head of my bed above Kid Ritz and I's heads on the pillows.

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