Floated Away

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Veneer POV:

I wake up happy, stretching comfortably as Kid Ritz shifts behind me.

Kid Ritz: "Don't move... I'm comfy."

His voice is deep, making my heart flutter from his morning voice. I turn to face him and poke his cheek, giggling quietly as he scrunches his face.

Kid Ritz: "Watcha doin'?"

Ven: "Nothin'."

Kid Ritz: "Feels like somethin'. It's still sleep time."

Ven: "The sun's out."

Kid Ritz: "Nuh uh."

Ven: "Yes, huh."

Kid Ritz: "Alright."

He gets up, goes to my balcony, draws the curtains, then flops back down in bed. I hear Jewels squeak from the end of the bed, making me laugh.

Ven: "You scared the baby."

Kid Ritz: "I'm sorry."

His voice is muffled as he buries his head in the pillow. I reach my hand over and rest it on his soft hand. 

Ven: "I'm excited for tonight."

Kid Ritz: "What's tonight?"

Ven: "The launch party."

Kid Rits turns his head, looking at me confused.

Ven: "I forgot! I didn't tell you we're having a launch party for our song. Remember how I had planned on having one? Well, Velv and the gang all agreed to make it happen. Orchid's going to her job and hopefully will bring back things that have been restocked."

Kid Ritz: "Oo! Party."

He closes his eyes, looking sleepy.

Ven: "Come on, Ritz. How are you sleepy? All I wanna do is move and jump and dance and-"

Kid Ritz: "I usually feel like that since I've become a Siren, but this morning is different. I feel sleepy... and it's nice."

He sighs quietly as he opens his eyes. He reaches over and boops my nose, making me laugh.

Ven: "Fine, fine, I'll let you sleep. But Jewels and I are going to get up."

Kid Ritz nods and pulls the covers up. I tuck him in and kiss his forehead before I leave my room. I go downstairs and find Velv already up. She sounds happy as she mulls about, humming to a song in her head.

Ven: "Hey."

Velv: "Hey."

Ven: "You having a good morning?"

Velv: "Yes, I'm in a pretty good mood in anticipation of tonight."

Ven: "Want me to help you clean?"

She nods and hands me the broom. We spend a while cleaning, the living room area and kitchen looking clean. As I go outside to the balcony, I hear Velv scream. I hurry back in, seeing her hold her hand to her heart.

Ven: "What happened?"

Kid Ritz: "I scared her by coming down."

Velv: "I had no idea he was here. I'm sorry, Ritz. My heart nearly failed."

Kid Ritz: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

I don't blame her for her reaction. I'm still on edge if I'm walking alone, especially while here at home.

Ven: "I haven't seen anything yet, have you?"

Velv shakes her head.

Kid Ritz: "Dom saw things at the event yesterday. We talked things over a little, and I hugged him because, honestly,  I was a little worried for him to go home."

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