Velvet's Advice

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Dom POV:

I see the monster I guess I created, its elongated arms dragging itself across the street. Its knuckles are bleeding, as well as its once-normal knees.

Whoever this was... I destroyed them. I try to breathe out quietly, imagining a freeze.

I try to focus, yet I can't seem to get my powers to work. I was only as powerful as I was with the trolls' help.

Now that I don't have them, I'm struggling. I focus as much as I can of my energy, feeling the air start to get chilly.

I feel a rush of air, Roman's eyes laser-focused as they glow from the back.

I listen as strong winds shake the truck, it throwing the monster off as it attempts to lift its limbs to shield its eyes from the now swirling debris.

I try to make the wind as cold as possible, yet there's not enough moisture in the air for me to work with.

I see next to me as Kid Ritz's eyes glow, his breathing heavy. I start to see something form in the sky... snowflakes.

Kid Ritz must have sourced water for me to use! The three of us work together, using our magic to conjugate a swirling blizzard.

It's small, but enough to scare off the monster. It drags its disgusting body away in fear of the snow tornado, disappearing behind a building.

I take a deep breath, watching as the tornado dissipates.

Roman: "Wow... good job, Ritz. You too, Dom."

I look at Kid Ritz, then Roman, feeling... a little proud of us. We worked... together. That's new for me... yet it doesn't feel as gross as I expected it to.

Kid Ritz slowly moves the truck forward, getting us to Rollie's place within a few minutes.

We all get out of the truck, my nerves picking up as I look around. The sky has gotten dark red, nearly resembling normal nighttime.

Yet, without any of the lights of Mount Rageous on, the streets are dark. Every shadow is ominous; it could be incredibly easy for a black-eyed monster to lunge and attack.

Nowhere is safe... so if I don't get a place to sleep tonight... I'm screwed.

I feel as the air around me is nearly freezing, I'm so stressed. I see Midori shivering, her tiny body trembling as we approach the doors.

Dom: "I'm... sorry, Midori. I'm... nervous."

She looks at me, her teeth chattering.

Midori: "Aww, it's ok. I just get cold easily."

Her sweet demeanor is not at all deserved for me to receive... I realize that. Yet, it's... still really nice to have her unwavering kindness.

Kid Ritz looks at me, his eyes no longer glowing. I feel him in my mind, realizing he heard my thoughts.

I'm not used to being heard; there's never been any other Siren Rageon I've met to read me. Even Ven couldn't since I had walls up. Those walls are broken, and now anyone is free to pick my mind.

Kid Ritz: *y o u  d o n ' t  d e s e r v e  h e r  k i n d n e s s. d o n ' t  t a k e  h e r  f o r  g r a n t e d.*

I nod, feeling a blush on my cheeks. I've become so weak... it feels weird to be embarrassed and ashamed. I'm not confident... I feel bad about things, and that's just never been the case before. I don't know how to handle my emotions without... oh shit.

Without feeling... like a baby.

A chill runs down my spine as we enter the elevator. I try not to hyperventilate, feeling really sick all at once.

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