The Four Sirens

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Roman POV:

I take a deep breath, looking over to see Fred continually blinking. He holds his left hand over his mouth and rests his arm on the windowsill. He looks out to the window, looking tired.

The trolls sit against his stomach, each of them looking like little dolls; they are so stiff.

I see Dom stare at the diamond, looking pensive. The red glow against his blue eyes is truly something to marvel at. His features are so sharp; he's intimidating even if he's not trying to be, and the red diamond highlights it, making him look sinister.

My attention is drawn away from Dom as I notice Freddy taking a deep breath. I watch as he fights to keep awake. Our situation probably isn't helping. Since he's so tall, his right arm has to be around the back of the seats. He could easily fall asleep if he tilted his head back.

I watch as he slowly lets his head fall to his chest. Dom meets my eyes, looking nervous.

Roman: "So, Fred."

He jumps, looking at me quickly as he blinks.

Roman: "Maybe you'd like to hold the camera? You know, since you're so tall, you could get a good angle for the viewers."

Fred: "Oh, yeah, I think that could work. Good suggestion."

He rubs his eyes as he tries to collect himself.

Kid Ritz: "I'll fit you with the camera right now, bud. I'll give you the mic so you can tell everyone what's happening as you see it. I... probably shouldn't hold the other mic now that... I've been electrocuted."

Roman: "I can hold it. I can pretend to be a news reporter."

Kid Ritz: "Alright, sounds good."

A few minutes later, we pull up to the Rage Dome. I get out first, watching Fred as he slowly gets out after Dom.

I hand the trolls to Ven, then give Dom the diamond. Jewels, perched on Ven's shoulder, tries sniffing the trolls and diamond, making Ven look uncomfortable.

I feel bad that since the trolls can't be disconnected from the diamond, it forces them to stand next to each other. Hopefully, Kid Ritz will take either trolls or diamond once he's done with the equipment set up.

Once Kid Ritz is out, he helps Fred to put on the camera vest. Fred looks away, avoiding eye contact as much as he can.

Kid Ritz: "Ok, Freddy. This shouldn't be too much trouble. You just do your best to keep the camera steady and focus on what you think the viewers will benefit from seeing. You have a mic on now, and Roman, you can walk in front of the camera and say what you want with your hand mic, ok?"

We nod, and Fred takes a deep breath as Kid Ritz turns on the camera.

Kid Ritz: "Ok, we should be live in... right about... now."

As he presses a button, a light on the camera goes green.

Roman: *Hello?*

Velv: *Yes, hello?*

Roman: *This is Roman, the lead member of RIVAL. I'm coming to you live from the Rage Dome, can you all see us?*

Velv: *Yes. You are connected to our camera feed, our camera girl says.*

Roman: *Great. I am here with Veneer, The Bop on Top host Kid Ritz, Sage Boy Dom, and our cameraman Fred, from Frazzled Fred's Fun. We are here to show what we attempt to do here live at the Rage Dome.*

Velv: *Alright. We are watching.*

Roman: *Fred and I are mic'd; the other three are not. I guess... let's head in.*

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