First Shame, Second Regret

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Dom POV:

I leave the building I've been hiding in, knowing the one place I can go that will surely have gullible Rageons to help me. Yeah, I've been stupid in handling things, but I'd be even more foolish if I didn't take advantage of the kindness surrounding me.

I'll just ask them to help me, and I am sure to be able to get back on top.

I hurry towards Rollie's apartment, moving briskly through the streets. Ugh, it's so hot out. I imagine a cool chill settling over Mount Rageous, smiling as the windows start to frost over. There we go, so much better.

I move stealthily until I find Rollie's apartment. I let myself in, yet as I enter the elevator, I sense that there are two Sirens in the apartment. I know that dirty rock singer Roman is with them... but I can't sense Veneer here. Who's the second Siren?

I keep my body as defeated as I can look, putting up the strongest mental walls as the elevator rises. I hold my hands up in surrender, bowing my head low to look as sad and frail as I can. They don't need to know any more than what I tell them.


I keep my hands up, head low, as the group inside gasps. The redhead stands up angrily, shoving Rollie behind him.

Fred: "What the fuck do you think you're doing here!"

I see Roman wave his hand. A dresser positioned a few feet away from the elevator moves at whim to block me from entering the apartment. Mentally, I will the doors to stay open by freezing the closing mechanism. I keep quiet as the group talks over each other. Ugh... these are a bunch of dopes. If I were gonna hurt them, I'd have done-

I notice Ven's stupid boyfriend, that TV interviewer Kid Ritz... I can sense him. I look at him head-on, seeing his eyes glowing. He's... a Siren Rageon? Since when? I hadn't sensed him before... I look back to Roman, noticing the way his head is cocked at Kid Ritz. They're talking.

Roman infected Kid Ritz... that's wild! What if he planned on creating an entire army of Siren Rageons against me? Man! I'm so smart to have come when I did.

I let the room continue to panic as I wait, bored out of my mind. Eventually, the group stops as they realize I'm not doing anything. Roman approaches me, Kid Ritz right behind him.

Roman: "Why are you here? And don't give me no bullshit answer; tell me what you think you're going to be able to do by just waltzing in here."

I speak quietly, trying to inflect sincerity and sadness in my voice.

Dom: "I'm here... to apologize."

The group scoffs, and I have to hold back a laugh. Even I don't expect to get an apology from someone who's terrorized for weeks on end.




They all scream at me, and as much as I want to blow up back at them, I keep my cool.

Kid Ritz: "You destroyed my boyfriend. He's nothing like he was when I met him."

Kid Ritz steps from behind Roman, walking right up to me as Roman tries to stop him. Kid Ritz's eyes glow brightly, a swirling array of gold and indigo light filtering into my eyes.

Kid Ritz: "You killed my mama. You killed Crimp. You killed your brothers... Sammy... Jaye. Did you stop to think how that would affect anyone else but yourself? You ruined my life. You almost killed me. And you think you can come and apologize?"

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