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Veneer POV:

I snuggle close to Kid Ritz, taking in the sugary scent of his perfume. He holds me protectively with his left arm around my waist, his other along the back of the truck.

Ven: "Velv had been driving earlier, nearly threw Dom and me out of the bed. You can see where I melted the metal."

Rollie and Velv eye the back of the bed with Kid Ritz. I see Velv eye Fred nervously up at the front, who laughs at the hand print in the metal.

Fred: "Dude, that's gnarly. Who knew you could make such a mark? Get it... mark... cus you can leave burn marks behind... yeah."

Velv rolls her eyes and sits back as Fred and Rollie laugh.

Kid Ritz: "So, who are we going for next?"

Ven: "Probably Orchid. Her house is close, and she can sit in the backseat. After that, we may need to drop someone off at the phone store if we can get them there."

Kid Ritz: "Oh, the phone store is sold out. It had a line outside the door, and they were completely sold out in the first half hour."

Rollie: "Really?"

Kid Ritz: "Yeah. It's what I was watching on TV before you guys came over."

Velv: "That's terrible! We won't be able to make a video!"

Dom: "I'm positive that at least one of the guys against us would have reported or blocked our accounts by now, so... it's ok. We still have our plan... and we'll go through with it, and it will work, and it will... be ok."

Velv: "You're right, Dom. Thanks."

He nods, and I can't see much else of what he does from looking through the broken window, but I feel his anxiety lessen.

It's weird to be on... I guess, better terms with him. I won't think about it much now that we're at Orchid's.

Kid Ritz: "Let's go to her window."

Fred nods and climbs out of the truck. Velv gets out, and I watch Kid Ritz and Fred take her to Orchid's window.

Fred kneels and lets Velv get on his shoulders. Kid Ritz holds her legs, and she's hoisted high in the air like a cheerleader up to Orchid's window.

Velv knocks and waits for Orchid. Orchid opens her window and gasps as she sees Velv.

I smile as the two kiss, then grow serious as Velv explains what we need to do.

Orchid nods and disappears back into her room. Fred and Kid Ritz drop Velv down gently, and then she walks back to the truck.

Velv: "She's in."

I smile as Rollie cheers. We wait a minute until Orchid comes outside, and Kid Ritz and Fred walk back to the truck with her.

Orchid smiles and waves to me as she climbs into the back with Velv.

Ven: "We're so glad you're here, O."

Orchid: "Me too. I finally get to be a part of your adventures."

I smile more as I help Kid Ritz back into the bed.

Fred: "I'm going to drop you all off at Rollie's, then work on getting Midori, Carlos, and RIVAL. Rollie, in the meantime, you may want to prepare the apartment for a ton of Rageons."

Rollie: "Oo! Like party mode?"

Fred: "Yes. Like party mode."

We drive back to Rollie's, where he gets out determinedly with Dom and the girls.

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