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I sit across from Fred, looking down at my lap. I sigh heavily, knowing what I'm about to say... could ruin our relationship forever.

Rollie: "I... was talking with Kid Ritz."

I meet his eyes, wanting to be as serious as I can be.

Rollie: "We... have reason to believe you and Veneer aren't telling us something. I understand if you guys are, I just... need to know if you are. You're my boyfriend, and... eventually will be my husband. I need you to be honest with me... and not hide."

Fred: "I..."

He shakes his head, looking very stressed out. It tells me all I need to know that he and Ven have something... but what?

Rollie: "Fred. I know it's hard... I need to know that you're not... not doing something that's hurting yourself or Ven."

A tear rolls down Fred's face, this clearly upsetting him more than I expected it too.

Rollie: "Why... why is this upsetting you so much? I don't want to come off as attacking you. Kid Ritz... thinks you stole Ven a ring pop. That's honestly not crazy for me to believe, or accept. I saw him for when you guys were out how bad he was doing; it makes sense you'd try to help him."

Fred meets my eyes, glitter streaming down his cheeks. The door opens, Kid Ritz poking his head in.

He sees Fred crying, his concern growing.

Kid Ritz: "I... was stopping in to say I'm about to wake Ven."

Fred whimpers, crying into his shirt as he gets up, walking to the bathroom. I stare after him in shock, floored to see him cry like that.

I look at Kid Ritz, seeing the stunned look on his face. I'm guessing he's never seen Fred that emotional before either.

Rollie: "What... what could they be hiding?"

Kid Ritz: "You didn't find out?"

Rollie: "I asked him if he got a ring pop for Ven, but he didn't give me an answer. I... I don't know what to say."

Kid Ritz: "Well... I... guess I'll see what Ven says."

I nod, feeling my heart break as he closes the door. I... don't know what to do; how to make a next move.

Veneer POV:

I feel a hand on my shoulder, my brain waking up, but my body refusing to do so as quickly.

I eventually get my eyes open, immediately panicked as I see its Kid Ritz.

I try to sit up, yet nearly fall out of bed as my arms are so weak. Kid Ritz holds me up, yet it couldn't be the farthest from what I want him to do.

There's no way he doesn't know I'm rolling... I'm in trouble. I feel my head lull forward, my body still not used to that first hit high.

Ven: "I'm... sorry. I'm... high."

Kid Ritz: "I know."

He sits me back, my vision blurry as I try to wake up.

Ven: "Be... mad at me... not Fred."

Kid Ritz: "I am worried, Ven, because you didn't tell me what you needed and went behind my and Rollie's backs. We can't help you if you don't talk to us."

I feel my heart rate attempt to speed up, yet due to the high, I can't.

Ven: "We... I am sorry. It was... wrong and immature."

I stare up at him, panicked as I see how dimly my eyes are glowing, reflecting off his in smears.

I feel myself slipping in and out, realizing I didn't look at the brand of ring pop Fred got me. I move to the other side of the bed, climbing to the floor to search for the bag.

I don't care that he's going to see my stash, I need to know the fucking brand.

I pull the bag out, fumbling with the packaging as I try to read what it says.

I realize the packaging isn't the same as what Dom gave me. It makes sense, since I used a lot and I'm still functioning unlike Dom's... but fuck, I really didn't check tos we how strong this is.

I could have overdosed again... I have been so careless.

I stare at the box until I feel it be pulled out of my hands. It takes me a second to register Kid Ritz has it.

Kid Ritz: "Veneer! This is so strong!"

I look up at him, tears streaming down my face as he walks out of the bedroom with the box.

I hear yelling from Rollie's room, yet I'm so high, it takes me a minute to stand up. I stumble towards Rollie's room, finding Fred and Kid Ritz in a screaming match.

My vision doubles, the two blurry and smeary. As they yell, I see a pair of blue eyes and dazzling white smile emerge from the quickly swirling in darkness in my vision.

I walk towards the eyes, reaching my hand out as Dom's face morphs. He doesn't look evil? Or scary at all... he looks like the sweet Sage Boy I first fell for.

Dom: "Hi, Veneer. Come with me."

I reach for his hand, feeling as I'm punched in the side of the head. I take the hit, stunned as I realize I've just been punched.

Dom disappears, his eyes fading last. I turn my head, seeing Fred and Kid Ritz's stunned faces.

I see Kid Ritz's fist raised, Fred's lip bleeding. I blink, feeling as my legs give out from under me. The world goes dark... I'm gone.

Sorry for the short upload. I'll write the next chapter and have it up in a bit, I just didn't want to break the streak for posting daily so soon.

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