LXII) Feelings.

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The Durmstrang students did their little routine and Percy could see Ron's impressed gaze from his seat.

The Durmstrang students sat with Griffindor, which excited Ron a lot.

Oddly enough, Victor sat next to Hermione. Percy smiled, seeing the two.

He could still feel some curious gazes from the others but he ignored every one of them. He was here to eat and meet people.

"And now, Ilvermorny!"

The students marched in, Jason in the front.

They all bowed and they sat at their respective houses.

Percy felt a hand around his back and shivered slightly, "Mom wants a wedding day." She whispered.

His head snapped towards her, "What?"

Drew smirked, "She knows." She said.

Percy narrowed my eyes at her, "Knows.. what..?"

She tousled his hair, messing it up, "You want all your friends to hear?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

Intrigued, Percy leaned closer and she smirked.

"Last summer."

He pulled back and stared at her, "A lot happened. You gotta be specific."

"Ohh," she looked at him like he was a sweet, dumb, innocent, little puppy, "Don't tell me you forgot."

Percy, still confused, raised an eyebrow at her.

She leaned closer, "The kiss."

Percy's eyes widened in horror, his face immediately flushed.

"W- he- I- w-"

"Shh." She pressed her finger to his lips.

She blew him a kiss before walking away.

He immediately buried his face in his hands, bright red.

"What was that about?" Matthew asked.

Percy still couldn't formulate proper words, his mind still a jumble.

It really happened. He thought.


"Is Percy blushing?" Hermione asked, pointing to him.

Annabeth's jaw immediately clenched as she saw Drew mess with his hair and whisper into his ear.

"I didn't even know he could blush." Harry muttered.

Percy rarely blushed, so Annabeth knew something was up.

"So.. you two dating?"

Annabeth turned around to see a grinning Leo.

"No." She shook her head.

"Quit trying." A very beautiful girl scolded the elfish boy, "Sorry, he does that sometimes." She smiled at Annabeth.

"It's fine." She smiled back, "I'm Annabeth."

"I know. Magnus talks about you all the time. I'm Piper."

"Nice to meet you."

Harry, Ron, Jason and Hermione were preoccupied, talking to Victor about his experiences.

Annabeth kept looking at Percy but his face was firmly buried into his hands. He was definitely still blushing since his ears were bright red.

Rachel kept looking at him curiously and Matthew asked questions but he kept shaking his head.

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