VI) The Flying

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I woke up to my owl screeching. It was still a little dark outside so I stared at it in confusion.

"Wake up, puny hero." A woman's voice said through the owl and I snapped awake.

It was just a dream.

"Why're you sweating, it's cold today." Goyle said.

I wiped my forehead, "Bad dream, I guess."

The two left the room and I was all alone again, I kept staring at the owl but it looked at me innocently.

Just in case though, I walked to the bathroom and changed into my robes there. I removed my keychain from my jeans and strapped it onto my robe.

I grabbed my wand, shoving it in my pocket before walking out of the room and into the main hall to eat breakfast.

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that my breakfast was blue as well. I shoved the food into my mouth quickly so I wasn't late for our first lesson, potions.

It was boring and flew by really quickly which I didn't mind.

After that, we went to the field because we were gonna learn to fly a broomstick. And people say cleaning is boring.. well it still is but.. nevermind.

"Hold out your hand and see if the broom comes to you." Professor Hooch said.

"This is so simple, why can't that mudblood do it?" Draco sneered.

That word caught my attention.

"What's a mudblood?" I asked Draco and he looked taken aback for a moment.

"Nothing." He said.

I looked at him confused, "Why are you eavesdropping Jackson?" He asked me.

"Sorry, I've heard that word before.. that's all." I said looking down awkwardly.

He shook his head and turned to Goyle, "Some people." I heard him say.

I gulped nervously, I really didn't want to make enemies in this school.

Annabeth walked over to me, which was surprising.

"I heard you called Hecate." She said.

"Yeah." I said surprised that she knew but I couldn't care too much either since word does spread quickly.

"What did you talk about?"

"Random stuff, I guess." I sighed, "I can't wait to get out of here."

She raised an eyebrow at me, "You know that you'll have to stay here for.. 7 more years, right?"

"7?! Yeah, it's final, I'm not lasting that long."

She rolled her eyes at me but a smile was tugging at her lips.

"Why do you want to go so badly?"

"Well, my mom, I don't get to see her until summer break and that's way too far away." I told her.

She looked slightly sad but quickly shook it off. "Any dreams recently?" She asked.

"Dreams? Well, yeah." I said, "What about you?"

"Same.. what were yours about?" She asked.

"Umm, there was one where the plane I was on crashed and another where an owl talked to me." I shrugged.

"An owl? What did she say?"

"She... Wait, how did you know it was a woman's voice?" I asked her, this was odd.

"Lucky guess." She said.

"Oh, okay, well, she just told me to wake up." I shrugged.

"Nothing else?"

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