XVIII) "To Get With Your Sister."

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I found out that Matthew was 10 years old and he and Bobby were in year 2 since he was so good at everything in year 1.

"So you start a year early and skiped a year?"

"Yeah, but luckily I haven't been sent a howler yet." He said as we walked to class.

He didn't bring up our conversation from last night, which I was thankful for.

We walked to class after I said a quick hi to both Harry and Ron.

We sat down, far away from Annabeth's chair, where I usually sat.

"Is your only friend a 10 year old? What happened to the others? They left you too? Like your dad?" Draco laughed.

"First of all, I have a life outside of school unlike you, so no, he's not my only friend, secondly, none of your business, third of all, my dad came back and said sorry." I told him.

He scowled, "Whatever, your family will never be as good as mine."

"Yeah, it won't, you know why? Because no one can have a family that bad."

He glared at me as the teacher entered the room.

"Does he do this a lot?" Matthew asked.

"Almost everyday. I punched him once." I told him.

"But isn't his father Lucius Malfoy?"

"Did you forget who my adoptive mother is?"

"Right." He said.

"Man, I don't think I've ever met an actually cool 10 year old."

He grinned, "Thanks, kids at school think I'm a nerd just because I'm smart."

"Well, kids at school think I'm a troublemaker just because I'm dumb. Even if I am, the assumption is rude."

He stifled his laugh.

Matthew was great help, he would help explain anything I didn't understand, and simplifies everything as well as making it sound interesting.

As we walked out the class, Harry and Ron walked up to me.

"Did you two fight again?" He asked me.

"Again?" Matthew asked, "You've fought with her before and you're not dead?"

"Well, it was her fault the other time too."

"That's even stranger." He muttered.

"Yes, we fought, but I don't want to talk about it."

"Well, she doesn't want to either so it's you or nothing." Ron said.

"Well, nothing it is then." I said walking.

"Come on, she's really sad." Harry said.

"She made this mess!"


"We agreed to avoid each other." I said.

"What about us?" He asked. "Things are really awkward."

"It'll be worse if I were there."

"No it wouldn't."

"Speaking of, did you really crash your dad's car?" I asked Ron and Harry.

"I really don't wanna talk about that." Ron said, his ears turning pink.

Everyone in the cafeteria heard his very embarrassing howler so I nodded.

"You know, at least Ron and Hermione sent me letters, I hadn't gotten a single one from you and Annabeth."

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