LXXXII) Lot's of Love you's!

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New rule I've been following: 10 views for the next chapter.

Chiron walked up to Percy with a grim expression, "Child, the-" he stopped suddenly when he spotted something coming from the water.

Annabeth still looked at Percy, concerned, "Percy, who's dead?"

Percy shook his head, gripping her hand.

She could tell that he was stressed, and the only real way that she could help him was by knowing what was going on.

When Percy saw a silhouetted figure in the water. Everyone rushed to it, trying to see who it was.

"Where is he?!" Conner asked.

Tyson shook his head, looking down. "Beckondorf.. he.. didn't make it."

Annabeth held onto Percy, tears welling up in her eyes. Percy closed his eyes, hugging Annabeth.

Chiron looked down, saddened by the loss of another one of his campers, "I think it's time." He said.

Everyone turned to him.

"Annabeth, take Percy to get the prophecy."

She nodded, holding Percy's hand. They walked towards the big room together, still grief stricken.

They got to the attic, without any conversation between them.

"I can't believe you bathed in the river Styx." Annabeth muttered before turning to him, frowning, "That could've been dangerous."

"I know," he said, "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize," she said, "I hate apologies."

He hugged her closer to him, sobbing quietly, "I can't believe he's gone."

"I can't either," she said before pulling apart, and wiping his tears away, "But we'll fight for him."

He nodded, "We'll fight for him." He repeated.

Annabeth grabbed the piece for paper, and handed it to him.

He held it in his hands, slowly unfolding it before reading it. He looked back up at Annabeth, "I could be the down fall of Olympus."

She cupped his shaky hands in hers, "No, no, Percy. You can't think like that. You'll save it." She said, "Don't think like that."

He stayed silent, and Annabeth knew that he was doubting himself.

"Percy, you're the strongest person I know. If anyone can save Olympus, it's you."

Percy locked their fingers together, "What would I do without you?"

She smiled, stroking his hand with her thumb, "I love you."

"I love you too."

She gently pecked his lips before tugging at his hand, "Let's go back down." She said.

He nodded and they made their way towards the others.

They burnt Beckondorf's shroud later that day. Selina tried her best to keep herself from crying. Hades, everyone was trying to keep from crying.

They were doing this for Beckondorf. He wouldn't have wanted to see them so sad.

Since the funeral was the first priority, it was done before the meeting with the head council of all the cabins, which was a mistake since everyone was either crying, or sad, which didn't help the situation.

Their moods weren't helped after Percy read the prophecy either.

"A half-blood of the eldest gods
Shall reach sixteen against all odds
And see the world in endless sleep
The hero's soul, cursed blade shall reap
A single choice shall end his days
Olympus to preserve or raze."

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