LXIII) "They say, 'If you're you love her, let her go.'"

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Percy buried his face in his hands, his blush immediately hitting him.

Matthew and Jason were still watching him, confused.

"You gonna explain?" Matthew raised an eyebrow at him.

Percy cursed under his breath, shuffling to his feet and walking out the door without looking back at them.

There were still some students lounging around the common room and all their heads turned to the sudden noise made by Percy.

He didn't care though. Instead, he made a beeline for Rachel's door. He knocked a few times and waited impatiently, fidgeting with his hands.

"Can you tell us what's going on?" Matthew asked.

Percy glanced at him and opened his mouth to speak but the door flew open.

Matthew silently cursed as Percy turned to the person standing on the other side of the door, the opportunity of actually knowing what was going on, lost.

"Where's Drew?" Percy asked the red head.

"Why do you need her?" She asked curiously.

"It's-" he cut himself off as he saw Drew approach the door. "You told them?!"

"Correction, mother told them."

Percy groaned, dragging a hand down his face, "Well, that's it. I'm dead. Done for." He muttered.

"Can you please explain?" Matthew begged.

"Yeah, Percy." Drew smiled sweetly, "Why don't you tell your friends."

Percy scowled, "Charm speak doesn't work on me, Drew."

She rolled her eyes, shrugging, "Worth a try."

"But seriously! Tell us! I'll literally explode! I hate this!" Matthew said, making Percy turn to him.

He sighed, "You won't be mad?"

"No promises." Matthew said, "But still, tell me."

He ran a hand through his hair, "Uhh.. well.. you see.."

"For fuck's sake." Drew interrupted, "Annabeth and Percy kissed."

Percy hid his face in his hands, feeling his blush creep onto his face again.

"Seriously?" Matthew said, sounding mad.

Percy peaked through his finger, "You're mad." He muttered.

"Well, no shit I'm mad! Fucking hell!"

Matthew rarely dropped the f bomb so when he did, Percy took a nervous step back and almost knocked Rachel over.

"You made me wait this long for that?!" He asked, his hands on his hips.


Matthew facepalmed, sighing, "You got so worked up over a kiss? Jeez man, I thought something actually happened."

Percy furrowed his eyebrows, confused, "This isn't a big deal to you?"

Matthew rolled his eyes, "You're blind. You know that? Annabeth obviously likes you."

"She does?"

"You kissed! Did she pull away?"

"Umm," Percy blushed.

"Did she?" Matthew asked.

"She kissed me."

Matthew sighed, "Of course she did. Why am I surprised." He looked back at Percy, "Hold on, if she kissed you, why are you so uncertain?"

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