LXXXV) Off Rails.

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"Drakon." He muttered breathlessly.


They all turned around as they heard violent noises coming from the door.

Annabeth looked over at Percy then at the door, silently telling him to prepare for fighting.

"Drakons can only be killed by a child of Ares." Rachel said.

Percy cursed, "We better go then."

"But you can't kill it."

"That won't stop it from killing us." Percy said.

They made their way outside, and there indeed was a drakon, obliterating any demigod that got in its way.

"Fake!" Rachel suddenly yells out, "She's a fake!"

Just then, Percy spotted Clarisse on her chariot, making their way over to them.

"Oh, thank the gods." He muttered.

He left Rachel's side and watched as Clarisse charged for the drakon. For a split second, Percy saw something that sent a chill down his spine.

"Clarisse doesn't have blue eyes," he said.

She pointed her spear directly at the drakon's eye, ready to end it.

But this wasn't Clarisse, let alone a child of Ares.

The spear clattered harmlessly to the ground as the drakon knocked it away, spitting poison at her face.

She yelled out in pain as the real Clarisse rode in.

Percy rushed to the imposter's side, knowing that he couldn't help even if he wanted to.

He removed the helmet she was wearing, but even without removing it, he had an idea of who he was seeing.

"Selina," Annabeth said, horrified.

She grunted as the poison slowly melted her face away, "I was the spy," she said.

It took a few long seconds for her words to actually register into Percy's brain, but once it did, he was confused.

"Luke.. he was always so nice. He said that I would save people. He told me that I was helping," she said, tears streaking her face, "Once I found out, I wanted to spot but.. he blackmailed me. He told me that Charlie would never forgive me. He told me to keep doing what I was doing or he would hurt him. I was scared.. I'm sorry."

"Hey," Percy said, "Hey, come on. It was a difficult decision. You didn't know."

"He broke his promise," she whispered, "He let him die."

Percy smiled sadly at her, "You're gonna join him now." He said, "Tell him that I'm sorry."

With that, her eyes shut, never to be opened again.

Annabeth hugged Percy, overwhelmed by the death of another friend.

Clarisse also saw what had happened. Her anger, and sadness fuelled her enough to kill the drakon singlehandedly.

"She was the spy?"

"She was a hero." Clarisse said, her angry eyes glossing over, "If anyone says otherwise, I'll destroy you myself."

Annabeth sobbed into Percy's chest as he tried to maintain his emotions, patting her back.

"She's in a better place," he told her. "She's happier now."

Thalia walks up to Percy, "I think it's time to go to Olympus." She said.

Percy nodded.

She mainly told him this to give the two a moment. Though everyone was grieving, the two had it worse.

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