XXVII) "What's A Basilisk?"

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The next few months flew by quickly, which was a bit surprising considering Matthew kept pining over Luna and wouldn't listen to my suggestions even though now we know that she likes him too.


It was May now and I couldn't help but feel a little anxious as summer approached since mom said she would talk to Chiron to let me take a few days off to spend with my grandmother.

I shivered at the thought.

"What's wrong?" Matthew asked me.

"Other than the fact that you two are still not dating, nothing." I said and he rolled his eyes, "Seriously though, why aren't you asking her out again?"

"Because, I'm not ready just yet."

"When will you be then?"

"In 2 years? Give or take?"

"2?! You want her to wait 2 years for you?"

He sighed, "I'm 11, I'm not ready to date yet."

"You can date and not do stuff, you know?" I said.

"I don't know, I'm that confident, maybe just be her friend for now."

"And let someone else snatch her away? Come on Matthew, you're smarter than this."

"I can say the same about Annabeth."

"I don't like Annabeth, you like Luna, it's different."

"There's something there, you're just not seeing it yet."

I rolled my eyes at him, "You're just finding excuses to pull the attention from the real problem."

"What if she didn't know she was standing next to me, what if she likes Bobby and not me?"

I stared at him blankly, "You're a real dumbass you know that?"

He sighed, "I don't know what to think anymore."

"Easy, don't and go for it."

"It's easier said than done, have you ever asked someone out?"

I stayed silent.

"See? You don't know what it's like."

"In my defense, I've never been interested enough to be bothered."

We walked into the Great hall and sat at our table.

"We have transfiguration homework and I haven't even started." He muttered, his hands in his hair as he leaned his elbows on the table.

"Don't worry about it too much, I always do it last minute."

"And that's terrible." He said.

"Yeah, you're right, don't listen to me."

He kept muttering stuff to himself while I ate.

We finished our food, burnt our offerings and walked over to the others.

I walked them to class then went to the court since we had practice.

I felt tired and accidentally took a nap in the locker room stall after practice.

When I woke up, I looked around confused at my situation.

I silently cursed myself as I gathered my stuff and ran out the locker room. I met up with a panicked Annabeth.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

She looked at me a little scared, "Where were you?"

"I fell asleep in the lockers."

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