XIX) "You Look Dead."

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Matthew woke me up the next morning. It was super early so I didn't fully get off my bed until Matthew threatened to push me off my bed.

"Get up!" He yelled, startling Larry, "Sorry, Lar, Percy won't get up."

"I'm up, I'm up." I said as I got off my bed, walking towards the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I yawned a lot today, last night I had a weird dream of some flying hamburgers. Every time I tried to reach them they flew higher. It made me feel hungrier and I didn't sleep too well. The hamburgers kept talking about how they would kill me and freeze me and eat me, which was also confusing but whatever, it was just a dream.

"Would you stop yawning, I'm getting tired." Ron muttered.

"Sorry," I yawned, "I didn't sleep well last night."

"That's a first." Annabeth muttered.

"Speaking of, did you.. umm.. hear voices yesterday?" I asked.

"Voices? Who's?"

"I don't know, Harry and I heard some." I said.

"No, I didn't." She said, her eyebrows furrowed, "Do these have anything to do with the petrified cat?"


We walked into the hall and Matthew had started theorizing what could've possibly happened.

"What if it was just your head?" He said, "You haven't been sleeping well lately, it could be nothing."

"Yeah," I yawned, "Probably."

He rolled his eyes. He was a sassy 10 year old.

We ate and I gave him some of my food for try.

"It's better, right?"

"Yeah.. oddly."

I swung an around his shoulder, "I'm exhausted." I yawned again, leaning on him for support as we walked over to the others.

He grunted, "You're heavy, Annabeth, help him."

He removed my arm from his shoulder and I lazily swung it around Annabeth's shoulders.

"Why're you two so tired?"

"Weird dreams." We said at the same time.

I looked at him and turned my head in confusion.

"Voices?" He nodded, "Hamburgers?"

"Hamburgers?" He asked, confused, "No." He shook his head.

"Well, I need more support, Ron." I waved him over and swung an arm around his arms.

"I forgot to ask, how's Grover? You didn't talk about him in your other letter." Matthew said.

"He's good, still chasing-"

"Juniper, yeah, I know, he keeps whispering her name in his sleep." I rolled my eyes, "He's such a simp."

"Grover has a crush? Funny." He chuckled, "How's Chiron?"

"Great, he loves teaching." Annabeth said smiling.

"How about Luke?" He asked and her smile immediately dropped.

"Uhh." I said removing my arms from Ron and Annabeth, I pulled him aside and explained everything to him.

"I- is it true?" He asked Annabeth and she nodded sadly.

He hugged her, "Sorry." He whispered.

"What's going on?" Ron asked confused.

I pulled the other three aside, giving the siblings some space.

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