XXII) "We're Doomed."

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The next few weeks, I got no powers so I was starting to think that this was all some sort of ruse but the only thing that kept me and Matthew suspicious was the fact that the message just disappeared the next morning and no one was talking about it.

It was now December and as much as I wanted to go home, I knew that I had to help out since this 'Heir' was becoming more and more reckless and someone could seriously get hurt.

"So you're stealing it today?" I asked.

"Yes, while Harry and Annabeth distract him, I'll run into the cabinet and steal the materials."

I nodded, "Then Matthew and I can lead you back." I said and she nodded.

We were standing outside the room, whispering the plan to each other as Harry and Annabeth talked to professor Snape inside.

Soon enough, professor Snape walked out of the room, followed by Harry and Annabeth.

Harry gave us a thumbs up and Hermione quickly ran off.

Another reason I wanted to stay for winter was because Harry begged me to. I was uncertain at first since I really wanted to see mom but I decided I could IM her and help Harry out.

Harry told me that he would go crazy if he was the only one who heard the voices and I left him alone.

I told him he'd be alright but he persisted and I felt bad. He was already blaming himself and I knew he didn't tell anyone else his thoughts. I mean, even if he did tell them, they didn't really understand the voices since they didn't hear them.

I was also curious about the 'Medusa powers' and thought staying away from mom was the best way to not endanger her with them for now.

Hermione quickly ran out and Matthew, Ron and I dashed off to the girls bathroom with her.

Annabeth and Harry walked in a little later as we discussed the potion.

"We will turn into Crabbe, Goyle and Penelope." Hermione said, "Annabeth, you go with Ron and Harry, I'll make sure the real 3 won't trouble us."

Everyone nodded as she looked at the potions book.

She started talking to herself while adding the different materials together.

"It won't be done quickly so we'll have to wait." She said.

We were about to walk out of the bathroom when a shrill scream almost scared the living daylights out of me.

"What the Fuck?!" I said, clenching my heart.

"Myrtle, you've gotta stop doing that." Hermione said.

"Who's this handsome fella? He wasn't here last time." A ghost popped into view.

"Hi.." I said awkwardly.

"No one ever visits me to say hello," she sniffled slightly, "So, handsome, what's you're name?"

"Percy." I said looking down.

"Percy.." she sighed, "What a nice name. Will you visits again soon?"

"Sure.." I said looking at Hermione for help.

She looked back sympathetically, "Sorry Myrtle, but we have to go."

"Oh no." She moaned, "Please don't."

I gulped, this was extremely awkward.

"I'll visit tomorrow." I said.

She smiled at me, "Promise?"

"Okay. Probably, because I could be busy, but I'll try."

She sniffled, "No one ever wants to visit me, it's okay, go. It's better off this way anyways."

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