XLVI) "I'm Fucked."

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"Percy, get up."

I was breathing heavily, my eyes darting from figure to figure.

I blinked the blurriness from my eyes and my memories flashed by.

I was still at the library.

"Shit." I muttered, "Are we late?"

"We're about to be." Annabeth said, "Hurry."

My hands were shaking quite violently. I slapped one on top of another, squeezing them together to try and stop them.

My breathing had started to even out but I was still walking super warily.

We were having herbology next, which was nice since I really didn't want to encounter him.

I slowed my pace, to try and calm myself down and luckily, Annabeth joined me.

"Bad dream?" She whispered.

"Terrible dream." I muttered.

"What did you see?" She asked.

"Who's James?"


"I- I heard a man, say that name along with Sirius."

She looked down, "James.. he was Harry's dad." She said. "What else did you hear."

I gulped back all the bile that threatened to spill. Seeing that corpse really didn't settle well in my system.

"Later." I said.

We quickened out pace, rejoining the group.

Annabeth was at Magnus' side again and I made my way over to Matthew's.

"Why're you sweating?" He asked me.

I wiped the thin layer that coated my forehead.

"It's hot." I said.

"It's freezing today, what's up with you?"

"I'll tell you later."

Magnus and Bobby walked away from us to go for potions.

I was so glad I wasn't going for potions yet. If I had, I wouldn't be able to focus on anything other than the disturbingly vivid nightmare.

"You're shaking." Rachel said.

I looked down at my hands and cursed, "Shit." I muttered.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Just.. cold, it's fine."

"I thought you were sweating."

"Cold sweats."

She looked at me curiously before grabbing my hand, "I know that's not true." She whispered. "You don't have to tell me, though."

I nodded, feeling more at ease.

Her hand was super warm against mine, which was surprising since it was quite cold today. Or maybe my hands were so cold they made hers feel warm.

I'll just hope it's the latter.

She acted so casually about it, too. Like it wasn't even there. It was comforting.

The gesture didn't really go unnoticed by the others but they didn't say anything, much to my relief.

We sat down on our chairs and since there was no real arrangement, our group just sat together.

My hands had stopped trembling at this point but I felt like it would be too rude to tell her to stop holding it. Plus, Draco also noticed it and was turning the colour of Rachel's hair from anger.

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