VIII) Do It For Mom

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I got up bright and early, giddy with excitement.

I quickly changed and grabbed my things, going outside where everyone was lining up to go home.

"See you all next month!" Dumbledore said, smiling at us all.

Grover stood next to me along with Annabeth and the three.

"I can't wait to leave."

"You really have no patience, huh?"

I shrugged at Annabeth's comment, "Patience or not, you didn't have to be stuck with people that hate you for 2 months."

She looked taken aback by my comment, her eyes immediately went dull and I instantly regretted saying anything at all.

Grover cleared his throat, sparing us the awkward silence, "So.. what're your plans?" He asked me.

"Umm, I don't really know." I shrugged, "Just stay at home I guess."

"Cool." He said, "Do you want around with Milly a lot?"

"Yeah I- wait.. how did you know?" I asked him, I don't remember mentioning Milly to him.

"Uhh, you've mentioned her."

"I have?"

"Yeah, you have." Annabeth said.

I guess I remembered wrong.

"Yeah, she hangs around a lot, she's like a sister I've never had." I sighed, smiling at the bright blue sky.

We all went to the train, sitting together.

"What're your plans this holiday?" I asked the Hermione, since Harry and Ron were staying at school.

"Well, I'm probably just staying home." Hermione said, looking down.

"Cool. What about you two?" I asked Grover and Annabeth.

"We'll be staying at a camp." Grover told me.

"Winter camp?"

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Sick, I've always wanted to go to camp. What do you do there?" I asked.

"Well, we play capture the flag, and we have wall climbing and sword fighting."

"Wow, that sounds awesome."

"You don't know the half of it." Annabeth smiled.

"Speaking of, did Luke call you?" Grover asked Annabeth.

She blushed slightly, "Yeah."

"What did he say?"

"Just stay safe.. you know, all the basic stuff."

"You're blushing." Grover grinned at her.

"Shut up." She glared at him.

I raised my eyebrows at the two, confused.

"Friend from camp?" I asked.

"Yeah.. friend." Annabeth said, looking down.

"Your crush?"

"I- n- no." She said.

I raised an eyebrow at her again and she avoided my gaze.

"She's been crushing on him since you were.. what? 7?" Grover said.

Annabeth buried her face in her hands, "Can we please not talk about this?"

"Wow, is this why you rejected that boy?" Hermione asked, smirking at her.

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