XXV) "Is It Weird If I Pet You?"

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The next few days, we ran around the halls from library to common room to dining hall.

It was the same old routine again today, even if it was Christmas day, no one really seemed too jolly, knowing the situation.

"When's the potion gonna finish brewing?" I asked, impatient.

"Probably tomorrow, maybe today if we're lucky." Hermione said.

I nodded as we sat down at the courtyard. It had become our go to place because it was always empty. It was winter and freezing but as long as you have a few coats, it's a very private environment.

We mainly just talked about random subjects since we would always get too off topic.

After the talk, we walked into the bathroom and settled down. Hermione went to go distract the real three with Matthew so they weren't with us.

"It looks ready." Annabeth said.

The potion bubbled while swirling around. It didn't look appetising though.

"Okay, we already collected the hairs so we'll have to drop it in." Annabeth said.

Scratch that, my appetite is completely gone.. okay, maybe not but it has definitely been damaged.

Annabeth sectioned the 3 drinks into different cups and they each added their hair.. yep, still gross.

She handed them out and we waited for Hermione to return.

Meanwhile, Myrtle seemed to watch me from afar, don't ask me how I know, I just felt someone watching me.

My feeling seemed to be true since she approached us after a while.

"Where's your girlfriend?" She asked.

"She's coming." I said trying to suppress the blush.

She floated around and sat on the sink, "Will you stop visiting me after your done with whatever your doing?" She asked.

I looked at the others, hoping they would step in to help my desperate situation, luckily, Matthew decided to be nice today.

"I don't think Hermione would like that." He said.

"Oh." Myrtle said, disappointed.

"Sorry." I said.

"It's okay, I've never been important, not when I was alive 50 years ago and not as a ghost." She said looking down.

"How did you die?" I asked, curious.

She looked at me and her eyes narrowed, "Do you actually care or do you want to laugh about it?"

"I'm curious." I said, shrugging.

"Well, I died here." She said motioning to the bathroom around her. "In this very bathroom."

"How?" I asked, "What's so dangerous about a bathroom?"

She looked back grimly, "I was crying," she sniffled, "Everyone was always so mean. That day, Olive Horby was teasing me about my glasses and everyone started laughing, they were always so cruel to me." She said, "Then I heard something.. something strange, like a snake." She said and I leaned closer but just then the door opened.

"Here." Hermione tossed the Slytherin robes to the three. "Now go change." She said.

"How did you even-" Ron asked with a look of concern.

"Lost and found. They should fit." She said.

I turned back to Myrtle wanting to know more about what happened but she had disappeared.

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