VII) The Danger

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"Why didn't you kids evacuate?" Professor Snape asked.

"We.. I saw Annabeth and Grover go out.. I thought they were in danger."

"We thought Hermione was in danger."

"Do you not have any idea how dangerous an ogre is?" He asked sternly.

Hermione nodded, "I do sir, and that is why I'm extremely thankful that they found me, I would've been dead without them." She said motioning to the unconscious ogre.

"Still highly irresponsible." Professor McGonagall said.

"I- is it d- dead?" Professor Quirrell asked.

"Just unconscious so we should really go before it wakes up again." Hermione said quickly.

We walked away from the scene, the Professor's said that we weren't in trouble but this shouldn't happen again. It wasn't really our fault the ogre got out in the first place but.. whatever.

I fidgeted with my keychain as we walked, I was very tired since I had somehow convinced myself to take some time and exercise. I wouldn't want to stay this unattractive for too long anyway.

We rounded a corner when a familiar dog jumped me.

It tackled me to the ground and started licking my face.

The others watched in confusion as a figure appeared in front of us.

"Hecate." I smiled at her, "What're you doing here so late?" I asked her as the rest watched in awe.

"Well, you mentioned you liked dogs." She said, "I brought him to visit."

I petted the dog, "And he seems to like you too." She commented.

"How's mom?" I asked her.

"She just misses you." She said.

"Lady Hecate, it's an honour." Grover said.

Hecate smiled at him, "Are you two keeping him from trouble?" She asked Annabeth and Grover.

"I'm not trouble some." I crossed my arms.

"Oh, yeah, you're mother has told me all about how you didn't blow up-" my eyes widened.

"We get it! Okay, fine, maybe a little bit." I said quickly. She raised her eyebrow at me, "Okay, maybe a lot."

"That's more like it." She smirked. "Well, you kids should get to bed." She said and we all nodded.

"When will you visit again?" I asked.

"As soon as possible, I hate being with my.. coworkers." She said.

"They're still fighting?" I asked and she nodded.

"Millennia old dumbasses I tell you." She said and the sky rumbled. She winked before disappearing along with her dog.

"Well.. that was.." Ron started.

"Interesting." Harry finished.

"I didn't know goddesses could curse." I muttered.

"They curse more than you believe." Grover told me.

We all walked back to our rooms and I quickly fell asleep, because if I didn't then, I wouldn't wake up tomorrow.

The next few weeks went by in a flash, nothing too out of the ordinary happened and I was more and more excited to get home as winter came around the corner. I got better and better with the spells and using my wand became easier, also since Annabeth helped me out wherever I had problems. Though I sat alone most of the time during lunch, I didn't mind. If those guys would pick sitting with Draco over me then I don't want to sit with them. I went to a Quidditch match where Harry was playing which was really cool, maybe I'll sign up too.

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