IX) "Aren't You Two Dating?"

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I've messed with the timelines alot. Please don't blame me too much.

Why did holidays always go by so quickly? Someone should kick the person who controls time's ass.

I sighed as I looked at mom sadly, I was definitely ready to leave him but mom? Mom was entirely different story.

Since our fight about Alfred, mom had talked to him and he knows that he's nothing without her so he let it go, though, he did start intentionally pestering me to get a rise out of me and when I did talk back he would hit me and blame my attitude.

I know I have a sassy attitude, it's not the first time I've been told but this was different. He's just being a bitch in this situation and hitting a kid that he's decades older because he couldn't fight a man his own age. Hell, I could probably beat him up at age 16 so.. doesn't really say much about his strength, does it?

Hecate visited too and took me out for ice cream on more than one occasion when mom was busy with work.

The lessons were amazing. My instructor was a fan of mom's and admires her work alot, his name is Paul. He was a great guy who just took things one step at a time, not rushing me.

It was the last day, last day with mom, last day with him, last day in this house.. well, until summer anyway.

I hugged mom tightly as Hecate appeared behind her. This time it was 5 months, not just 2, 5!

"We must go." Hecate said calmly as I was fighting back tears.

Call me a mama's boy, I don't care. She's the best person who took me in her arms and sheltered me from the world, taking all the pain for me. She is the best and there is nothing you can do or say to change that. Plus.. I'm 12, what're you gonna do if you're pulled away from the only loving parent you've had your entire life.

Hecate had pretty much became my second parent but she wasn't there while mom could barely pay rent while working minimum wage, she wasn't there all those birthdays where mom saved up money just to buy me a gift even though we were struggling, she wasn't there when mom pulled all nighters just to put me in a decent school.

And I felt bad. I felt bad that I couldn't do better, that I couldn't read, that I couldn't focus. She was always too good for me yet she appreciated every aspect of me.

She was and always will be hero.

I waved at mom as Hecate snapped her fingers, teleporting us to the train station.

She was in her 25 year old form again since I had told her that I didn't really care to be seen with her just because she had power over people. I wanted to talk and understand the real Hecate, not the one everyone sees, not the one everyone fears. Just the raw, powerful, pure Hecate. I didn't need people to fear me, but I could tell she needed someone to love her, and that is what I'll do.

"My emotions were always quiet dull. I was always undermined compared to my co workers. They got all the attention while I stood in the background. I appreciate you for not letting me take that backseat." She smiled at me.

"Always, mother." I smiled back and waved at her.

"I'll see you soon.. son." She waved as well.

I walked through the train, searching for any familiar faces that wasn't Draco or Goyle or Crabbe or.. anyone in Slytherin.

I did not want to be stuck with them during this ride. That would be absolutely terrible.

"Percy, over here." Hermione waved me over and I smiled, walking to her and the others.

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