LXV) "Just my luck."

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No underage rule this time. ;)

The people who wanted to compete got up and made their way through the crowd, placing their paper into the fire.

Jason and Ron got back to their seats, anxiously waiting for the results.

"You're gonna do great!" Leo said clapping Jason's back.

Jason grimaced, slapping his hand away, "Hopefully the fates are feeling nice today." He muttered.

The words didn't go unheard by Annabeth, though. She eyed him carefully, confused as to how he knew about the fates.

Jason hadn't told anyone but Matthew and Matthew hadn't talked to him since then, so Annabeth and Rachel didn't know anything.

Matthew never really brought it up since it never came up. It seemed weirdly unnecessary to just go out of his way and tell them this with no real purpose. Plus, they were around the others the whole time and didn't really get a moment alone.

"Now," Dumbledore said, "We will now commence the selection!"

The crowd murmured among themselves, excited for the reveal.

Ron interlocked his hands, silently praying to anyone who would listen.

The fire turned red and a piece of paper flew out. Dumbledore caught it, turning to the crowd.

"For our Durmstrang champion," he unfolded the paper, reading it, "Victor Krum!"

The crowd cheered, applauding Victor. He got up and shook Dumbledore's hand before standing to the side.

Jason became slightly nervous as Dumbledore got the second paper.

It's okay. It won't be me.

"For our Ilvermorny champion, Jason Grace!"

He facepalmed, "Of course." He muttered.

Leo and Piper cheered loudly, excited for their friend. Jason looked over at Matthew to see him staring at Jason in shock.

"Grace?" Annabeth asked.

Jason looked at her, confused before making his way towards Dumbledore.

Dumbledore smiled at him, shaking his hand.

He stood next to Victor, his eyes still on his friends. He was very confused by the shock written on Annabeth, Matthew, Hermione, Bobby's faces.

Piper and Leo seemed oblivious to Jason's confused state since they kept flashing him approving grins.

"Now!" Dumbledore said, "For the Hogwarts championship!" He grabbed the piece of paper, unfolding it, "Harry Potter!"

That caught Jason's attention. His eyes locked with Harry's, completely bewildered.

Harry turned to Hermione, "But I didn't-"

"Just go." She said, "We'll talk about it later."

He looked over at a worried Matthew before nodding, "Okay." He said before getting up.

He walked over to Dumbledore, who shook hand, smiling brightly, "You'll do great, Harry." He said.

He made his way over to Jason, standing next to him.

"Well there you have it!" Dumbledore announced, "Let the-"

"Headmaster!" A student said pointing at the goblet, "Headmaster, look!"

The goblet turned a violent shade of red, the fire growing.

Dumbledore moved closer but something seemed to push him away, slightly.

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